








财新文章《2023终有一别》被删 胡舒立微博清空

2024年01月01日 23:13

财新文章《2023终有一别》被删 胡舒立微博清空财新周刊文章《2023终有一别》




学者:中国何去何从 处在十字路口





学者:中国意识形态矛盾突出 反改革占主导















To speak out for Wen Jiabao and Li Keqiang, “Farewell in 2023” was deleted, and Hu Shuli’s Weibo was cleared

The third topic is to speak out for Wen Jiabao and Li Keqiang. “Farewell in 2023” was deleted and Hu Shuli’s Weibo was cleared.

Two days ago, some netizens left messages on my channel saying

With Xi’s current position of honor and power, Wen dares to scold him to his face? Do you want to be the second best in Keqiang?

my reply is

If Wen Jiabao doesn’t speak, won’t Xi Jinping mess with him?

This is not a new article published by Caixin.

Caixin article “There will be a farewell in 2023” was deleted and Hu Shuli’s Weibo cleared

January 1, 2024 23:13

Caixin article “There will be a farewell in 2023” was deleted. Hu Shuli’s Weibo deleted Caixin Weekly article “There will be a farewell in 2023”

On the last day of 2023, the well-known Chinese media “Caixin Weekly” published an article “Finally Farewell in 2023”, taking stock of well-known figures from all walks of life at home and abroad who have passed away in recent years. However, the article was removed shortly after being published. This is the second Caixin article to be deleted within a week. The Weibo content of Caixin Media President Hu Shuli has also been cleared.

After “Caixin Weekly” published an editorial “Revisiting the Ideological Line of Seeking Truth from Facts” on December 25 and calling on Deng Xiaoping’s “Seeking Truth from Facts” in many places, the article was deleted. On December 31, Caixin.com published an article “There will be a difference in 2023.” “, taking stock of the pictures of famous Chinese and foreign figures who have died in recent years, including Kissinger, Li Keqiang, Jiang Ping, Jiang Yanyong, Gao Yaojie, Zhu Ling and others. Among them, Li Keqiang’s photo ranks first.

That night, when Weibo netizens forwarded the link to the article, they found that the article had been “404” (deleted), and even the Weibo content of Caixin Media President Hu Shuli had been cleared. Many netizens left messages in the comment area and lamented: “Caixin has a heart, and the world is warm”; “I know I can’t see the article, but I still want to forward it to commemorate the past year”; “What are they afraid of?”

Scholar: Where should China go? At a crossroads

He Qiang, a scholar of Chinese literature and history, said on Monday (January 1) that in the past week, two consecutive Caixin articles were removed from the shelves, reflecting two fundamental issues.

First, the reformists represented by Hu Shuli have always hoped to influence the government through official suggestions and thus formulate enlightened policies;

Second: “Currently, there are huge differences between the official and intellectual circles and the private sector regarding the definition of reform, the leadership of reform, and how to continue reform. Therefore, Caixin’s article was downloaded The clearing of Hu Shuli’s Weibo actually represents the question of where China will go in the future. The official is in a wavering position whether to follow the path of nationalism or continue to follow the path of opening up to the outside world.”

Screenshots of webpages posted by netizens on overseas social media show that the first big photo in the article “2023 will finally be different” is of Li Keqiang, followed by Kissinger. Many people in the middle are accompanied by small photos or no photos; those with large photos include Mr. Therefore, legal scholar Jiang Ping, doctors Jiang Yanyong, Gao Yaojie, Zhu Ling and others.

Scholar: China’s ideological contradictions are prominent and counter-reform is dominant

Chinese scholar Yan Ligeng said that the continuous removal of articles from Caixin magazine, which is known for its outspokenness, shows that there are serious differences in the ideological direction and path of China’s ideological, academic and political circles.

He said: “Hu Shuli and others from Caixin basically represent a group of relatively enlightened pragmatists. On the contrary, those who currently form the mainstream and occupy the dominant ideological position in the CCP should be those related to reform. The liberal faction and the pragmatist faction are opposed to the return to the Cultural Revolution faction, or the anti-reform faction. But in the eyes of ordinary people, this kind of differences and divisions are rare in other media except Caixin and Hu Shuli.”

On December 25, Caixin Weekly published an editorial “Revisiting the Ideological Line of Seeking Truth from Facts.” The article quoted extensively from former leader of the Communist Party of China Deng Xiaoping’s classic line “Seek truth from facts” in his speech on reform and opening up. It also quoted from the speech of General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping, “History has repeatedly proved that if we insist on seeking truth from facts, we can rejuvenate the party and the country; if we go against the rule of seeking truth from facts, we will mislead the party.” country.” However, the article was removed from the shelves a few hours after it was posted.

Previously, on November 6, after the remains of former Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang were cremated, Caixin Weekly published an editorial titled “Reform Urgently Needs New Breakthroughs.” The article quoted Li Keqiang’s words before leaving office: “The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers will not flow backwards.” It criticized some people for being obedient to reform and opening up, and “there is a certain temperature difference between the public perception and the expectations of the year.”

Yan Ligeng said that there are serious differences and divisions in Chinese society, and the voices of reformists are basically suppressed. However, such voices still exist within the CCP and among the people, and they occasionally make strong expressions in some form.

The only one who can still speak out and dare to speak out is Wen Jiabao.

The netizen who left the message is ridiculous

Just when Wen Jiabao was told that he did not dare to speak out, Caixin spoke up again and slapped him in the face.

Li Keqiang was so aggrieved, wasn’t he killed by Xi Jinping in the end?

Wen Jiabao is so old

He probably doesn’t care anymore

Besides, Wen Jiabao was also forced by Xi Jinping.

Those who arrested so many people from ICBC were all Wen Jiabao’s subordinates.




