













Why is Li Qiang and Xi Jinping not a relationship between monarch and minister? Prime Minister Zhou Enlai fishing for abalone and Premier Li Qiang repairing ancestral graves

When Nixon visited China that year, Zhou Enlai personally ordered to fish abalone for Nixon.

During Nixon's visit to China, Zhou Enlai personally ordered to fish abalone for Nixon

Now that Ma Ying-jeou is offering sacrifices to his ancestors, Li Qiang personally went to Hunan to direct Ma Ying-jeou to repair his ancestral tomb.

Li Qiang personally went to Hunan to direct Ma Ying-jeou to repair his ancestral grave

Originally, Li Qiang, as prime minister, could have ordered Wu Zhenglong, Secretary-General of the State Council, or Shen Xiaoming, Secretary of Hunan Province, to do this kind of thing. But Li Qiang condescended to personally command and deploy. Same as Zhou Enlai. Zhou Enlai had no personal dignity in front of Mao Zedong and knelt down to Mao Zedong. It can be said that Zhou Enlai was a slave of Mao Zedong. The same is true for Li Qiang, who has no dignity in front of Xi Jinping. Li Qiang is a eunuch and a slave of Xi Jinping. It's like Li Lianying serving the Empress Dowager Cixi. Old Li's family really produced eunuchs.

People in democracies have votes in their hands and can remove the president. Enlightened and autocratic dynasties can still pay attention to "the people are more important than the monarch, and the community is more important." The emperor still has an idea of wanting to be a wise king, not a foolish one, and to cherish his own reputation. The minister also pays attention to a direct remonstrance, to sell his name and sell straight, and to leave a name in history.

The dynasty of Qin II could only regard a deer as a horse. In Mao Zedong's dynasty, there was Zhou Enlai, the chief eunuch. In Xi Jinping's dynasty, there was a grave-repairing prime minister, Li Qiang.

Another very simple counterexample: Xi Zhongxun’s tomb covers an area of 40,000 mu (about 26.6 million square meters), which is one-third the size of Hong Kong. But Xi Baozi’s father’s grave was repaired by Jing Junhai, the secretary of Shaanxi at the time, not by Li Keqiang.

Comparing it, you can see how shameless and despicable Li Qiang is.

The relationship between Li Qiang and Xi Baozi is not the relationship between a monarch and his ministers, but the relationship between a slave and a master. Li Qiang was a eunuch by cleaning his body, flattering Xi Baozi, and licking Xi Baozi's asshole.




