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3、开展专项执法检查,按照赣检发侦监一字[2012]1号文件的具体部署和要求,我局迅速组织人员开展了“另案处理专项执法检查工作” ,对2011年度提请逮捕、移送起诉案件中涉及“另案处理”“在逃人员”案件进行逐人登记造册、核实, 2011年我局报捕案件中涉及“另案处理”2966人;移送起诉案件中涉及“另案处理”2694人。上述案件由我局和检察机关侦监人员进行了联合检查,经查我局的报捕案件和移诉案件中涉及“另案处理”的,事实清楚、证据充分,程序合法、处理合法妥当。







同时法制大队将 “警营开放日活动”作为“大走访”开门评警活动的一项重要内容,分批安排了群众代表共60余人参观了县局办案中心、交警大队的办案功能区以及看守所监区,参观后召开座谈会,代表们对我局公安工作和队伍建设取得成就给予高度评价,同时还就治安防范、队伍管理、执法办案等方面提出较多意见和建议,我局领导对此给予了详细的答复。














Summary of the legal work of Huichang County Public Security Bureau in 2012
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Summary of the legal work of Huichang County Public Security Bureau in 2012


In 2012, the Legislative Affairs Bureau of Huichang County Public Security Bureau, in accordance with the unified deployment of the higher-level public security organs, focused on carrying out "three visits and three evaluations" and deepening the standardization of law enforcement. , to further enhance the initiative and creativity of the work, and to take practical measures in standardizing law enforcement behavior, strengthening law enforcement supervision, and promoting the construction of law enforcement informatization. The main work of our bureau in 2012 is summarized as follows:

I. Further promoting the standardization of law enforcement

1. Conscientiously implemented the spirit of the phased summary promotion meeting and legal work meeting of the city's public security organs for the standardization of law enforcement. The leaders of the bureau attached great importance to the standardization of law enforcement. Renew concepts, innovate thinking, overcome difficulties, and do solid work, and take further promotion of law enforcement standardization as the basic work to implement the "three key tasks" and safeguard social fairness and justice and the legitimate rights and interests of the people. In the report on the standardization of law enforcement, this work was studied and deployed at the director's office meeting, and at the general police conference, the participation of the whole police and the cooperation of all departments were emphasized to form a joint force and jointly promote the construction of law enforcement standardization by the whole police. Accelerate the pace of standardization of law enforcement, and strive to promote the county's public security legal work to a new level.

2. Strictly implement online case handling. Fully implement online case handling, review and approval procedures are circulated online throughout the entire process, and online law enforcement supervision is actively carried out. For cases that meet the conditions for off-network circulation, the reporting procedures shall be strictly followed. Standardize the uploading of evidence materials. Strictly implement the requirements of the county bureau on further standardizing the operation of the case event system, realize the synchronous and standardized entry of facts and evidence of cases circulated online, standardize law enforcement procedures through information technology, and the evidence upload rate reaches more than 90%.

3. Carry out the construction of functional divisions and standardize the management of law enforcement and case handling sites. On the basis of the completion of the construction of three law enforcement functional areas last year, a construction plan for law enforcement functional areas was formulated at the beginning of this year, and special funds were allocated for the construction and renovation. The construction units include the county bureau law enforcement case center, the detention center case center, the traffic police brigade and others The construction of 13 police stations had been completed by the end of October (among them, the County Bureau Case Handling Center, Xiaomi Police Station, Zhuangkou Police Station, and Junmenling Police Station were waiting for the simultaneous audio and video recording equipment purchased by the provincial department).

The functional area for law enforcement and case handling that has been completed will be used and managed in strict accordance with the "Management Regulations for the Use of Audio and Video Recording Systems in Law Enforcement and Case Handling Places of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province".

4. In order to further strengthen the construction of law enforcement subjects and promote the standardization of law enforcement and duty, our bureau has formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Intermediate Law Enforcement Qualification Examination of Public Security Police in the County", which clarified the participants and proportions, established a leading organization, and set up a law enforcement service category in our bureau A total of 45 persons in charge of institutions and principal persons in charge of police stations applied for the intermediate examination, and the application rate was 100%; 168 other police officers applied for the intermediate examination, and the application rate was more than 60%. On December 2, more than 200 people participated in the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination due to reasons such as training, illness and hospitalization, and business trips.

5. In order to further standardize law enforcement behavior and solve outstanding law enforcement problems, our bureau formulated an implementation plan for carrying out special rectification activities for outstanding law enforcement problems in mid-April, clarifying the key points, steps, measures and work requirements of rectification. From April to September 2012 This special rectification activity will be carried out in depth in the county's public security organs in July. Through special rectification activities, problems such as irregular handling of police reports, passive investigation, irregular production of legal documents, irregular production of transcripts, unclear facts, insufficient evidence, and illegal procedures in handling administrative cases have been solved.

In accordance with the specific deployment and requirements of Gan Jian Fa Jing Jian Yi Zi [2012] No. 1 document, our bureau quickly organized personnel to carry out investigations from April to May to find out the truth about the cases involving arrest and transfer for prosecution in 2011 that involved "handling in another case" Cases of "fugitive persons" are registered and verified one by one, and joint inspections are conducted with the investigators and supervisors of the procuratorate. In 2011, 66 people were involved in 29 cases of "handling in another case" in the arrest cases reported by our bureau; 94 people were involved in 26 cases of "handling in another case" in the cases transferred for prosecution. In terms of substance, the facts are clear, the evidence is sufficient, and the handling is legal and appropriate.

  6. To maintain the leading work situation of law enforcement demonstration units, our bureau helps grassroots case-handling units with better law enforcement quality, more complete law enforcement system, and higher level of law enforcement standardization to further improve their work and continuously improve law enforcement standardization. On the basis of continuing to strengthen and deepen the training work, focus on summarizing, promoting, and publicizing advanced experience and successful practices, giving full play to the role of demonstration and radiation, and driving the improvement of the overall level of law enforcement.

2. System construction and training

1. No work on local legislation; a total of 10 amendments were made according to the requirements of the superior;

2. Our bureau regards the revised "Criminal Procedure Law" as the focus of this year's police training work. The Political Work Supervision Office has formulated a detailed study and training plan for the revised "Criminal Procedure Law" based on the actual situation of the bureau to ensure that all policemen are protected. Quality and quantity learning and training. According to the study and training plan, first of all, the grass-roots departments of various departments will strengthen the study of the revised "Criminal Procedure Law". In mid-September, the police who participated in the training of criminal investigation and legal system teachers will train the overall police. A total of 2 days of training for 322 people; In addition, in late September, the vice-captain of the criminal investigation brigade trained 30 policemen of the whole brigade for one day; in mid-October, the legal police conducted intensive training for 50 people in the traffic police brigade, and the police of the criminal investigation brigade gave intensive training to the Forest Public Security Bureau. A total of 30 person-times per day. A total of 432 person-times of intensive training were carried out from September to October.

Through learning and training, all law enforcement policemen have changed their concept of law enforcement. It has firmly established the concept of paying equal attention to substance and procedure, verbal evidence and physical evidence, and effectively enhanced the awareness of evidence, procedure, timeliness, authority and conscious acceptance of supervision, and can correctly handle the punishment of crimes and the protection of human rights, fairness and efficiency, The relationship between legal effects and social effects. In the process of changing the concept of law enforcement, the leaders of various law enforcement units took the lead in setting an example, mastering what they learned, promoting application with learning, and setting an example. In October, new regulations that are conducive to protecting the legitimate rights and interests of citizens have been implemented, and new regulations that are conducive to regulating the exercise of public security law enforcement powers have been tried out.

3. Handling of reeducation through labor and reconsideration cases

1. In 2012, our bureau reported 5 cases of reeducation through labor for 5 persons, and the municipal labor education committee approved 5 cases of 5 persons for reeducation through labor.

2. In 2012, the Bureau did not accept administrative reconsideration cases, and there were no administrative litigation cases or state compensation cases against specific administrative actions of the Bureau.

The Municipal Public Security Bureau and the county government each accepted two cases of dissatisfaction with the administrative punishment of our bureau, and both of them maintained the administrative punishment decision of our bureau.

4. Law Enforcement Supervision

1. Adhere to the daily evaluation of cases, implement the usual cross-check "one evaluation for each case", a total of 51 criminal cases and 267 administrative cases were evaluated throughout the year. During the inspection, it was found that there were the following problems in criminal case handling: 1. The household registration and criminal record of the criminal suspect, especially the foreign resident, were not investigated and verified; 2. Substantive investigation was not carried out during the period of bail pending trial; There are the following problems: 1. The investigative measures that should be taken have not been taken, such as inspection and appraisal; 2. Some investigative measures, such as inspection and appraisal, have not been approved; In response to the problems found in the inspection, our bureau has adopted measures such as training in law enforcement rules, early intervention of legal officers, strengthening legal review, tracking and handling cases, and other measures to rectify them, and achieved good results.

2. Strengthen the daily review of cases, and the legal police irregularly inspected the case record system. A total of 140 criminal cases and 267 administrative cases were reviewed throughout the year. Through the review of the case, problems in the process of handling the case were found, and the case-handling unit was promptly required to make corrections, ensuring the legality and accuracy of criminal compulsory measures, criminal case handling, and public security administrative punishment.

3. Carry out special law enforcement inspections. According to the specific deployment and requirements of Ganjianfazhenjianyizi [2012] No. 1 document, our bureau quickly organized personnel to carry out "special law enforcement inspections for handling other cases", and submitted arrests and transfers in 2011 Prosecuted cases involving "handling in another case" and "fugitive persons" were registered and verified one by one. In 2011, 66 people were involved in 29 cases of "handling in another case" in the arrest cases reported by our bureau; There are 94 people. The above-mentioned cases were jointly inspected by the investigation and supervision personnel of our bureau and the procuratorate. After investigation, the arrest cases and transfer cases of our bureau involved "handling in another case", the facts are clear, the evidence is sufficient, the procedures are legal, and the handling is legal and appropriate.

4. In 2012, our bureau formulated the "Huichang County Public Security Bureau's Work Plan for Large-scale Receiving and Visiting Activities". Through the daily public reception of the bureau leaders and the petitioning police, and the opening of the Internet petitioning platform, the petitioning department received a total of letters 102 cases, 10 visits, a total of 112 letters and visits, all of which have been processed and answered.

In terms of law enforcement supervision, in 2012, no administrative reconsideration cases were found that should be handled by our bureau, but there were 4 cases where 4 people refused to accept the administrative penalty decision of our bureau and applied for reconsideration to the Municipal Public Security Bureau and the county government, and all of the decisions of our bureau were upheld after reconsideration ; There were no administrative litigation cases and state compensation cases against our bureau's law enforcement actions.

5. The use of evaluation results. On the basis of daily evaluation, our bureau will reward the good and punish the bad for the results of the case evaluation. Establish corresponding law enforcement files while assessing and evaluating, and improve the overall quality of law enforcement through assessment and evaluation. In the process of evaluating the quality of law enforcement in 2011, a criminal case investigated and handled by the criminal investigation team of our bureau in 2007 was rated as a low-quality case in the province. Our bureau organized all law enforcement police to conduct serious research on the case, analyze the reasons, and draw inferences from one instance to prevent similar situations. It happened again, and at the same time, the organizers were given a notice of criticism by the police, and their qualifications for awarding awards for the year were cancelled.

V. Construction of the legal team

(1) In order to implement the Ministry of Public Security's "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Public Security Legal Team's Ability to Perform Duties", all the legal police conducted a concentrated study and discussion, and reported to the main leaders of the county bureau, and won the high support of the party committee of the bureau for the legal work The implementation of the "Opinions" of the Ministry of Public Security is an important opportunity for the construction of the legal department of the public security organs, and it is also a major measure to vigorously strengthen the standardization of law enforcement. Through the implementation of the "Opinions" of the Ministry of Public Security, it is guaranteed to improve the ability of the legal department to perform its duties in terms of organization, system, and team building, and to effectively promote the organizational planning, coordination and promotion, supervision and management, and service guarantee capabilities of the legal department. The first is to strengthen the team building. The legal department of our bureau has been renamed the legal brigade. In the future, we will select and enrich outstanding policemen to work in the legal department, and effectively improve the law enforcement level, performance ability and work enthusiasm of the legal police; 2. The legal department will strengthen law enforcement training Work, take the study and training of laws and regulations and law enforcement norms as an important part of daily work, and vigorously improve the legal literacy and law enforcement capabilities of the entire police; the third is to strengthen law enforcement supervision, strictly review cases, innovate law enforcement quality evaluation methods, and integrate daily It is organically combined with regular assessment and random assessment. Regarding the signs and tendencies of law enforcement, timely talk reminders and admonitions to the police, analyze the reasons, propose countermeasures, and prevent erroneous things from happening. The fourth is to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities. Comprehensively implement the lifelong accountability system for law enforcement faults, implement one-case-one-reverse investigations for influential cases such as law-related complaints and media exposure cases caused by law enforcement issues, and strictly implement fault accountability. Through the above measures, the legal team of our bureau will be built into a practical and learning public security legal team that is politically strong, proficient in law, good at management, and dares to supervise. It will create necessary conditions for the public security legal team to perform their duties and provide strong support. The overall quality, ability to perform duties and law enforcement level of the public security legal team.

(2) Since the county bureau launched the "three visits and three evaluations" in January 2012 to deepen the "big visit" activities, the legal brigade has closely focused on the requirements of the higher-level public security organs and the implementation plan of the bureau, and closely combined with its own work characteristics. Starting with the issues of public security punishment and compensation for illegal infringements that we are concerned about, we will find out the difficulties and hot spots, and carry out the work of visiting people, observing people's opinions, dispelling people's worries, and solving people's confusion, which has continuously enhanced the relationship between the public security organs and the people in the jurisdiction. The "three visits and three comments" activities of the legal police have achieved practical results and have been well received by the people.

At the same time, the legal brigade took the "police camp open day activity" as an important part of the "big visit" to open the door to appraise the police, and arranged more than 60 people from the masses to visit the case handling center of the county bureau, the case handling functional area of the traffic police brigade and the detention center. In the prison area, a symposium was held after the visit. The representatives spoke highly of the achievements of our bureau's public security work and team building. At the same time, they also put forward more opinions and suggestions on security prevention, team management, law enforcement and case handling. A detailed answer was given.

(3) The legal system The police actively serve the law enforcement at the grassroots level. For grass-roots law enforcement units, adopt flexible and diverse forms such as individual case guidance, on-site Q&A, case-by-case interpretation, consultation on difficult cases, and law enforcement lectures to answer questions and solve legal problems encountered by grass-roots policemen in law enforcement and handling cases, and guide grassroots policemen to correct Applicable law. In addition, the legal brigade is fully aware of the importance of attending court trials, allowing the police handling the case and the police in the actual combat department to experience the entire process of the court trial, which will help improve the ability of the police handling the case to standardize evidence collection in accordance with the law, and will help improve the police's awareness of evidence, litigation awareness and awareness of handling cases. Guarantee the awareness of human rights, so as to improve the quality of handling various cases. A total of 200 police officers were organized to attend the trial 8 times throughout the year.

In 2012, the Legal Team and criminal investigation, economic investigation, public security, national security and other departments jointly carried out various legal publicity work through various forms such as legal consultation, on-site complaints, distribution of promotional materials, announcement of reporting telephone numbers, and display of relevant pictures. There were 4 concentrated legal publicity activities, and more than 500 people accepted the legal publicity. There are mainly 6.26 anti-drug propaganda; gun control and explosives, especially the propaganda of illegal online gun purchases; crackdown on pyramid schemes, illegal fund-raising and counterfeit currency propaganda; crackdown on "Almighty God" and other cult activities.

6. Work plans for 2013, etc.

In 2012, although the legal work of our bureau has achieved some achievements, there are still some problems, mainly: the ability of the legal police to perform their duties needs to be improved; Improve; the online case entry evidence and information are not comprehensive and timely; the police handling the case are not fully grasped and applied to the revised "Criminal Procedure Law", and they are not proficient in using the synchronous audio and video recording system. Under the guidance of the leaders and the legal detachment of the Municipal Bureau, we will do a good job in the following tasks:

1. Strengthen the capacity building of all legal police officers to assist in decision-making, law enforcement management, and service guarantee. In accordance with the Ministry of Public Security's "Opinions on Further Strengthening the Capacity Building of the Public Security Legal Team to Perform Duties", find out the gaps and deficiencies, and improve the ability of the legal police to perform their duties by strengthening the daily legal knowledge and law enforcement skills training and learning of the legal police, so that Do a good job in the legal work of public security in 2013.

2. Strengthen the training of case-handling police officers and part-time legal officers. The legal department should coordinate and cooperate with the political and industrial departments to formulate a year-round law enforcement training plan, and use the newly revised "Criminal Procedure Law", "Detailed Rules for Enforcement of Public Security Organs", "Administrative Compulsion Law", and the procedures for handling criminal and administrative cases and other new laws Laws and regulations and interpretations are the key training content, and the legal business knowledge of law enforcement policemen is updated in a timely manner to adapt to the needs of law enforcement work under the new situation. Take part-time legal officers to study in the legal brigade, focus on training, etc., strengthen the law enforcement supervision and guidance capacity building of legal officers in each unit, let part-time legal officers give full play to the role of daily law enforcement guidance and supervision, and make legal supervision and guidance throughout the public security The whole process of law enforcement activities, so as to improve the overall quality of law enforcement.

3. Strengthen the use and management of law enforcement and case handling sites. Next year, our bureau will strictly implement the "Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organs' Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites Management Regulations (Trial)" and "Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organs' Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites Management Specifications for the Use of Audio and Video Recording Systems", the legal system The brigade is responsible for managing the case-handling center of the county bureau, and at the same time supervises and guides the use and management of law enforcement venues of various police stations, traffic police brigades and other units. Give full play to the role of standardizing evidence collection and law enforcement supervision.

4. Further strengthen the informatization construction of law enforcement work. In 2013, our bureau will continue to implement online process management, online input, online approval, online supervision and online evaluation of law enforcement and case handling, and infiltrate information technology into all aspects of law enforcement and case handling. In order to promote this work, the legal police will go to various grassroots law enforcement units to provide on-the-spot guidance, solve various problems encountered by new policemen in online case handling and online entry, strengthen online law enforcement guidance and services, and strive to ensure that case information, 100% of the evidence is entered into the case event system, and information technology is used to force law enforcement to be standardized. At the same time, strengthen online law enforcement supervision, and keep abreast of the online operation of cases handled by various law enforcement and case-handling units. Strengthen law enforcement supervision, improve law enforcement quality, improve law enforcement efficiency, and save law enforcement costs through informatization construction.

5. Strengthen the construction of law enforcement supervision system. In view of the prominent problems existing in current law enforcement activities, further deepen the evaluation of law enforcement quality, and incorporate the level of law enforcement quality into the evaluation of the work performance of law enforcement departments and their leaders and individual policemen. Improve individual case supervision and accountability systems for law enforcement errors, improve individual case supervision procedures, and consciously accept external supervision. Standardize the case-handling process of various cases, from accepting reports, reviewing and filing, investigating and collecting evidence, taking compulsory measures to management of property involved in cases, handling, and execution, and further improving the corresponding rules and regulations to form a standardized and practical system.


February 10, 2012




