




一、  案件基本情况














































"8.09" Report on the Intentional Injury Case of Liang Yanbing in Zhujiafen, Fengtai District

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"8.09" Report on the Intentional Injury Case of Liang Yanbing in Zhujiafen, Fengtai District

At around 14:00 on August 9, 2012, our team received a phone call from the duty room of the detachment: a man was stabbed and injured in Zhujiafen, Yungang, Fengtai District, Beijing, and died after rescue. After receiving the report, Zhao Leibing, the deputy director of the sub-bureau, Wang Zhuo, the head of the criminal investigation detachment, and Han Wenguang, the deputy head of the criminal investigation detachment, immediately led the investigators of our team to the scene to form a project team with the general team and other departments to start work.


1. Basic information of the case

(1) Receiving an alarm

At 13:38 on August 9, 2012, Xia Fangfang (female, 22 years old, from Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, China) dialed "110" and reported that her friend was on the south side of the traffic lights in Zhujiafen Village, Changxindian Township, Fengtai District, Beijing. Someone stabbed him in the Hunan restaurant, and his life was in danger. The other party fled the scene.


(2) Basic information of the victim

Zhao Baozhi, male, 53 years old, Han nationality, registered address: No. 119 Taiziyu North, Fengtai District, Beijing, ID number: , unemployed, contact information: 15901519661. After the incident, the person was sent to the 731 Hospital for treatment, and died after rescue efforts failed.


(3) On-site investigation and victim's injury status

The scene is located in the Xilinmen Hunan Restaurant at No. 94 Zhujiafen Village, Zhaoxindian Brigade, Changxindian Town, Fengtai District, Beijing. The hotel faces north from south, and the door of the room is a glass door that opens outwards. The east and west sides of the hotel are respectively dining tables and private rooms. The front desk is directly opposite the door on the south wall of the hotel, and the lobby is in the middle of the store. There was blood dripping on the ground near dining tables 2 and 3 on the east side of the hotel. Blood splatters were found on the surrounding walls, accompanied by two types of blood footprints, namely triangular block patterns and thick horizontal stripe block patterns. The hotel lobby was messy. There were many overturned tables and chairs and a large number of glass fragments on the ground, and blood dripping from the lobby to the road outside the door. After investigation, the bloodstains, tableware and suspicious cigarette butts on the scene have been extracted and submitted for inspection.


According to preliminary forensic examination, there were four stab wounds on the victim's body, distributed on the left chest, right chest, and left elbow. The crime tool was analyzed as a sharp weapon, and the cause of death should be hemorrhagic shock.


(4) Visits

After interviewing employees of Xilinmen Hunan Restaurant, Qiao Zongling, Cheng Jiyan, Wang Xiaomei, and the deceased Zhao Baozhi's companions Xia Fangfang, Lin Qi, and Li Na, we learned that the general situation of the incident is as follows:


At 12:30 on August 9, 2012, Zhao Baozhi, his girlfriend Xia Fangfang (reporter of this case), friend Lin Qi (female, 21 years old, from Baoding City, Hebei Province, China), and Li Na (female, 25 years old, Datong City, Shanxi Province, China People) came to eat at table No. 3 of Xilinmen Hunan Restaurant in Zhujiafen Village. During the meal, Zhao Baozhi quarreled with a man at the next table over trivial matters. The latter two fought each other in the restaurant and threw wine bottles at each other. During the period, the man at the next table held a black object and stabbed Zhao Baozhi in the abdomen, and Zhao Baozhi was stabbed. The other man drove a white Jetta car (license plate number: Beijing G13880) and fled west along Yungang Road in front of the hotel.


The physical characteristics of the suspect are: a man in his 40s, bald, about 170 cm tall, fat, with a yellow metal necklace and shorts.


2. Case analysis and work deployment

This case is a death-injury case caused by trivial fights. The suspect was a man who stabbed the victim to death with a sharp instrument, and then drove away from the scene quickly. According to the on-site investigation and visits, it is inferred that the suspects were likely to be injured during the fight. According to this the deployment works as follows:


(1) The technical and forensic departments shall submit the traces and physical evidence extracted at the scene for inspection.

(2) Conduct in-depth visits to the on-site and surrounding personnel to find clues.

(3) Retrieving the surveillance video around the scene and discovering suspicious circumstances.

(4) Carry out a comprehensive investigation on the vehicle (license plate number: Beijing G13880) used by the suspect, and find out the suspect's trajectory.


3. Case solving

(1) The process of solving the case

According to the clues found in the previous work that the suspect escaped by driving a vehicle, the project team quickly followed up. Through the vehicle registration information, it was found that the vehicle was used by the Auto Repair Factory of Yanlin Petrochemical Products Storage and Transportation Center. After further investigation, the car had two consecutive rear-end collisions on Dajian Road in Fangshan District, Beijing at about 14:00 on August 9 (no casualties were caused), and it escaped. The car has been impounded by the Fangshan traffic detachment. Later, with the assistance of the Fangshan Traffic Detachment, the project team captured the suspect Liang Yanbing who was being treated at Yanhua Hospital in Fangshan District at 17:10 on August 9, 2012.


(2) Basic information of the criminal suspect

Liang Yanbing, male, 44 years old, Han nationality, born on April 4, 1968, address of household registration: Building 301, Building 30, Jiandesili, Yanhua Xingcheng, Fangshan District, Beijing, ID number: , unemployed.


(3) The suspect's injury status

After a preliminary diagnosis, Liang Yanbing had a hematoma on his head and multiple skin lacerations on his left front head and both arms, and his life was not in danger. The suspect, Liang Yanbing, was in a coma and could not be interrogated. After being identified by several people present at the time of the case, they all identified Liang Yanbing as the criminal suspect in this case.


At present, the suspect has been criminally detained by the Fengtai Branch on suspicion of intentional injury, and has been detained in the Beijing Public Security Hospital for further treatment.


case solved




The first team of the fifth brigade of the criminal investigation detachment of Fengtai Public Security Bureau

August 10, 2012




