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20111123 印发







The province's public security organs carry out special treatment work plans for key petition cases

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The province's public security organs carry out special treatment work plans for key petition cases


In order to thoroughly implement the important instructions of Zhou Yongkang, Meng Jianzhu and other central leadership comrades and the Central Political and Legal Committee to continue to resolve the spirit of the Beijing visit case assignment meeting, according to the overall work deployment of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, the provincial department decided to start from November 2011 to the party Before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the public security organs of the province will organize and carry out special campaigns to focus on solving key petition cases, so as to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the people, maintain the normal petition order, and prepare for the victory of the National "Two Sessions" and the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China next year. Create a harmonious and stable social environment.

1. Objectives and tasks

The overall work goal: through the joint efforts of the public security organs at all levels in the province, to ensure that the key petition cases assigned by the Central Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Department are basically resolved before the end of June next year, and the momentum of visiting Beijing is effectively curbed. Visits continue to remain stable.

The first is to focus on resolving cases involving public security in our province. Focus on solving the cases of mass petitions in Beijing since 2010 assigned by the Central Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and the provincial department. The visit was stopped and the lawsuit was closed.

The second is to investigate and resolve a number of letters and visits on their own. City and county (district) public security organs should focus on investigating and resolving unresolved public security complaints and complaints in local anti-accumulation activities, as well as new complaints that have occurred since 2010, and enhance the ability and level of grassroots public security organs to resolve complaints in a timely and local manner. Effectively guide the work of letters and visits to shift down the focus.

The third is to further promote the innovation of the working mechanism of letters and visits. Through the special governance work of key petition cases, earnestly study the laws and characteristics of public security petitions, further innovate and improve the source prevention mechanism of petition issues, the termination and withdrawal mechanism of petition matters, the supervision mechanism of petition matters, the quality evaluation mechanism of petition work, and the police affairs of petition work areas cooperation mechanism, etc.

2. Work arrangement

The special governance work is divided into three stages: mobilization and deployment, centralized resolution, and inspection and acceptance. Before the end of November 2011, focus on mobilization and deployment, investigation and investigation, insist on investigating and resolving problems at the same time; from December 2011 to June 2012, focus on solving problems; The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was successfully held, and the work of stable control of letters and visits was done well.

(1) Mobilization and deployment phase (November 2011)

1. Mobilization and deployment. Public security organs at all levels must complete the mobilization and deployment work before the end of November, including setting up special work teams, formulating implementation plans, and implementing leadership packages and departmental and police responsibilities, etc., to ensure that all requirements are implemented. Departments and police departments with a large number of letters and visits should also formulate implementation plans, refine work measures, and organize special governance work in light of the actual situation of the department and system.

2. Check and sort out. The public security organs at all levels should focus on sorting out and investigating the cases where petitioners have started petitioning since 2010 and have not yet ceased to sue; the "nail case" and "bone case" that have not been resolved in the clean-up activities should be included as the focus of work and included in the special treatment scope. It is necessary to actively communicate with the complaint departments of the party committees, people's congresses, governments, CPPCC, and discipline inspection departments at the same level, and include all public security complaint cases in the hands of these departments into the scope of investigation. Among them, issues left over from history that have already been concluded, issues that are still in legal procedures, issues that have signed an agreement to stop visits and suspend litigation without new factual reasons, issues that have been terminated by the Provincial Public Security Bureau according to law, and those that have been reported by the public security organs according to law due to illegal visits Handled petition cases are not included in the scope of special governance.

3. Centralized entry. The public security organs at all levels shall enter all the key petition cases assigned by the Central Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Provincial Public Security Department, as well as the petition matters sorted out by the investigation and sorting out at the same level, into the second phase of the public security petition information management system (hereinafter referred to as the system); If there is already a record, it is necessary to supplement and refine the situation on a case-by-case basis. For the five types of cases that are not included in the scope of special governance, the relevant information must also be entered into the system in a timely manner to effectively grasp the bottom line.

(2) Centralized solution stage (December 2011 to June 2012)

1. Make a plan. Public security organs at all levels should study the case-by-case circumstances of key petition cases handled at their own level, formulate resolution plans, and clarify case-by-case leaders, responsible departments, responsible personnel, and time limits for handling cases. The Provincial Public Security Department will transfer the backlog of letters and visits assigned by the Central Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Public Security and other higher authorities and the provincial departments to the public security bureaus of each city for handling; each city and county (district) public security (sub) bureau will handle the cases assigned by the superior and self-arranged one by one. The implementation of the case includes the case leader, the case-handling unit, and the case-handling personnel to register and make a book, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau will report it to the Provincial Office of the Leading Group Office for Dissolving Key Petition Cases for filing before the end of November.

Public security organs at all levels must resolve cases assigned by higher authorities such as the Central Political and Legal Committee, the Ministry of Public Security, and provincial departments, and report them to the provincial departments in a timely manner. The standard for reporting and closing key petition cases is "the case is closed, the visit is stopped and the lawsuit is stopped." The investigation report should include the petitioner’s letter of commitment to suspend the visit and suspend the complaint or the record of the suspend the visit and suspend the complaint, as well as the evaluation opinions of the Municipal Public Security Bureau and other relevant materials. Municipal public security bureaus are responsible for reviewing the reports and conclusions of key letters and visits cases by public security organs in various places. Before the end of each month, the public security bureaus of each city will report to the provincial department the progress figures of the resolution of key letters and visits cases.

2. Classify and resolve. The concept of mass work must be integrated into all aspects of special governance work, closely rely on party committees and governments at all levels, insist on giving priority to mediation, implement policies according to cases, and pay equal attention to reason and law, and comprehensively use laws, policies, economics, and administration. , Relief, termination, legal handling and other methods, effectively solve each key petition case, make sure that the appeal is reasonably resolved, the education and counseling that is too demanding are in place, the faults and defects are corrected and made up for, and the assistance and assistance with practical difficulties are in place. In place, unreasonable complaints and visits will be terminated and withdrawn in a timely manner, and illegal petitions will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

3. Advance in stages. After New Year's Day in 2012, we should closely combine the "two festivals", "two sessions" security work and "big visits" to open doors to appraise the police, and timely carry out open door visits, visits with cases, and return visits to "send warmth" to the petitioners in need and other activities, keep close contact with the petitioners, consolidate and expand the effect of resolution, and ensure the work goal of 60% resolution before the national "two sessions" in 2012. After the national "two sessions" in 2012, while continuing to do a good job in resolving the work, it is necessary to sort out key and difficult cases in a timely manner, and attack the "bone case" and "nail case". Before the end of June 2012, the suspension of visits and lawsuits should be basically realized, and the cases should be closed.

(3) Summary and improvement stage (from July 2012 to before the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China)

Public security organs at all levels should review and summarize the centralized resolution work, carry out "review" on the cases that have been handled, further consolidate the work results, and prevent problems from rebounding; implement stable control of key petitioners to prevent extreme incidents; summarize, Promote successful cases, typical experience and advanced deeds, and improve the mechanism of complaints and visits in a timely manner. The provincial department will transfer personnel to form a working group to check, check for omissions and fill in vacancies, and check and accept.

3. Work requirements

(1) Strengthen organizational leadership. In order to strengthen the leadership of the special management of key letters and visits cases in the province's public security organs, the provincial department established a leading group for resolving key letters and visits cases. Chen Xiaoping, executive deputy director of the department, Qi Shuzhi, member of the party committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the department, are the deputy team leaders, and the departments of the Discipline Inspection Commission, Supervision, Office, Finance, Economic Investigation, Public Security, Criminal Investigation, Supervision, Legal System, Traffic Police, Fire Protection, and Frontier Defense are member units. The leading group has an office under it. Chen Xiaoping, executive deputy director and director of the office, dispatched a policeman from the Public Security Corps, Criminal Police Corps, Supervision Corps, Traffic Management Bureau, Fire Bureau, and Border Defense Bureau to the special management office of the department to resolve key petition cases. office. The main responsibilities of the special rectification office are: responsible for organizing, planning, coordinating, and promoting the progress of special rectification; timely reflecting and promoting the experience and practices of organizing and carrying out special rectification work in various places; regularly reporting the progress of resolving key petition cases; supervising and inspecting the work of special rectification , Participate in spot checks and evaluations of key letters and visits cases to test the effectiveness of special governance work; regularly report work progress, communication and other daily work to the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Political and Legal Committee, the Provincial Letters and Calls Bureau, and the Provincial People's Congress. The public security organs at all levels in the province should set up special working teams to study and formulate specific work plans, clarify goals one by one, break down tasks, and detail responsibilities, so as to promote the solid implementation of special governance work in stages and in a focused manner. In order to strengthen communication with various places, the public security bureaus of each city are requested to report the names and contact information of the bureau leaders and liaison officers in charge of the special governance work to the special governance office of the department at the end of November.

(2) Clarify responsibilities. The public security organs at all levels should follow the principle of territorial management, hierarchical responsibility, and whoever is in charge, who is responsible, to clarify the responsibilities of the key petition cases included in the special treatment one by one; if the case is separated, the jurisdiction of the case is responsible for resolution, and the place of residence of the petitioner is responsible for stability control . For cases assigned by superiors such as the Central Political Commissioner and the Ministry of Public Security, the provincial department implements a system of responsibility for department leaders to entrust them with supervision. The city and county (district) public security organs should also implement the responsibility system of leading the case for the cases assigned by the superiors and handled by themselves. On the basis of achieving "three observations" (i.e. seeing the petitioner and understanding the real appeal; seeing the case handler and understanding the whole process of handling the case; seeing the case files and materials and comprehensively grasping the crux of the contradiction), the leaders of the case should actively take multiple measures. These measures will be used to achieve "close the case, stop the visit and suspend the lawsuit". The public security letters and visits departments at all levels must conscientiously do a good job in organizing, coordinating, communicating, liaising, and supervising the work to ensure that the special governance work is carried out smoothly and achieves the expected goals.

(3) Classified guidance and multiple strategies simultaneously. For cases of visits to Beijing in the province that have been petitioned for many times and have not been settled for many times, it is necessary to adjust the case-handling personnel and thinking of handling the case, reorganize special teams for verification, analyze each case, and formulate resolution plans for each case; If it is promoted to one level, it will be handled by the superior leader. Cases where petitioners are dissatisfied with the termination decision must conduct a comprehensive review from the procedural and substantive aspects, and if any law enforcement flaws are found, they must be corrected in a timely manner; For cases where conditions to solve a case have been lost, there are no problems after investigation, or a case has been concluded after multiple reexaminations, the petitioner must be clearly informed of the conclusion of the investigation and the work done by the public security organ; if still dissatisfied, timely carry out public hearings, assistance, and education. Cases involving criminal suspects who are at large, management of property involved, and abnormal deaths must be included in relevant special actions in a timely manner to resolve them. The backlog of letters and visits that meet the termination conditions shall be terminated in accordance with the law and procedures in accordance with the strict and prudent principles; those who still insist on abnormal petitions after the termination shall do a good job in education and stability control work, and those who make illegal visits and disrupt social order shall be severely dealt with in accordance with the law. Timely and smooth access to exports.

(4) Strengthen supervision and guidance. During the special treatment activities for key petition cases, the public security organs at the provincial and municipal levels should earnestly strengthen supervision, inspection, and guidance of work in various places. Before and after the "two sessions" across the country, the leaders of the department will go to various sub-regions to carry out sub-visit supervision, focusing on supervising the work progress of lower-level public security organs, the implementation of the leader's case system, the resolution of key petition cases, and the stability of key petition personnel. , Summarize and promote typical experience in a timely manner, research and solve difficulties and problems in the work. The public security bureaus of each city should also take effective measures in light of local conditions to strengthen supervision and inspection of the work in the region.

(5) Carrying out notification evaluation. The provincial department included the situation and effectiveness of the special governance work into the evaluation of public security letters and visits work, and implemented a monthly notification system. Criticize those who are slow in action and work poorly, and praise those who work faster and have obvious achievements. Starting from November 2011, before the end of each month, the public security bureaus of each city will report the progress of the special governance work to the provincial department. Within 3 days after the end of the mobilization and deployment stage, the 2012 National "Two Sessions" and the centralized resolution stage, a summary of the stage work should be submitted; within 3 days after the end of the special governance work, a summary report on the special governance work should be submitted.


Subject headings:




Issued on November 23, 2011




