


































74,东升评估公司开始对兴华盆景园进行重新评估,并于722出具正式评估报告,评估净值 580.6893万元。东升评估公司评估结果比联信评估公司评估结果少了297万多元。而且东升评估公司评估结果得到了兴华盆景园的确认。















Report on the investigation of Guo Jun's letter and visit materials in Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town

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Report on the investigation of Guo Jun's letter and visit materials in Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town

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Development Zone Branch of Ganzhou Public Security Bureau



Petition materials about Guo Jun of Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town

investigation report

Municipal Bureau Legal Detachment:

After receiving the letters and visits from your office about Guo Jun of Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town, the bureau leaders attached great importance to it. Director Luo Fuyang instructed the Criminal Police Brigade and the Legal Affairs Brigade to contact Tandong Town for proper handling, and to implement it by the leaders in charge. Political commissar Wang Xinying has contracted the case to mediate, and now reports the relevant situation as follows:

1. Basic information of the petitioner

Guo Jun, male, 37 years old, lives at No. 1 Xiayingjiao, Zhanggong District, is the legal person of Xinghua Bonsai Garden, Shebei Group, Guolu Village, Tandong Town, Ganzhou Development Zone, ID number:, Tel: 0797-8372687

2. The main problems and appeals reported by the petitioners

Petitioners reported that when the Ganzhou Development Zone expropriated their land in Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Guolu Village, Tandong Town, the Public Security Bureau of the Development Zone issued a detention warrant to Guo Jun for the crime of illegally embezzling state property, and froze the 1.97 million yuan already in place without reason Compensation money, abuse of police force for forced demolition. Require fair, just and proper handling.

3. Investigation and handling

(1) Source of the case: On June 16, 2012, our bureau received a report from the People's Government of Tandong Town: Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town is located in the Shebei Group of Guolu Village in our town, and it belongs to the comprehensive logistics park. According to the work According to the procedures, the land acquisition and demolition working group of our town signed a demolition compensation agreement with the other party and made compensation (the money has already been transferred, and the remittance bank is China Construction Bank). The discrepancy is very large, and the District Public Security Bureau is requested to freeze the compensation funds for the demolition of Xinghua Bonsai Garden (owner: Guo Jun), pending review.

(2) Investigation situation:

1. After receiving the report, the leaders of our bureau attached great importance to it, and immediately organized investigators to conduct a preliminary investigation of the case, and accepted criminal case investigation on June 16, 2012.

During the preliminary investigation, the investigators found that the number of seedlings collected in the compensation of Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town was indeed quite different from the count at the scene. The number of seedlings provided in the asset evaluation report is more than the number of seedlings counted on the actual site. Only 10,000 osmanthus trees are included in the seedlings provided in the asset evaluation report, but the actual number of osmanthus trees counted on site is less than 1,000. The unit price is 340 yuan, and the government will compensate about 3 million yuan more for this item alone. To sum up, Guo Jun of Xinghua Bonsai Garden in Tandong Town was suspected of fraud during the demolition compensation process. In order to protect government property and prevent the transfer of stolen money, our bureau opened a case for investigation on June 18, 2012.

On June 18, 2012, our bureau inquired into Guo Jun’s suspected fraudulent money according to law, and on June 19, 2012, legally froze the 1.97 million yuan that Guo Jun transferred to his mother-in-law Huang Yuping’s account.

On June 20, the land expropriation team of Tandong Town negotiated with the father and father-in-law of Guo Jun of Xinghua Bonsai Garden, and both parties agreed to re-engage Jiangxi Dongsheng Appraisal Co., Ltd. to conduct asset appraisal.

On July 4, Dongsheng Appraisal Company began to re-evaluate Xinghua Bonsai Garden, and issued a formal evaluation report on July 22, with an estimated net value of 5,806,893 yuan. The evaluation result of Dongsheng Appraisal Company was more than 2.97 million yuan less than the evaluation result of Lianxin Appraisal Company. Moreover, the evaluation results of Dongsheng Evaluation Company have been confirmed by Xinghua Bonsai Garden.

The case is currently under investigation.

2. The investigators of our bureau discovered during the investigation that the Zhanggong District People's Procuratorate of Ganzhou City (now renamed the People's Procuratorate of Ganzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone) decided to file an investigation on Guo Jun's alleged bribery case on March 13, 2006, and On the same day, it was decided to detain him criminally. He has been at large and has not been brought to justice so far.

4. Next steps

At present, our bureau is cooperating with the relevant departments of the district to carry out the following disposal work seriously in accordance with the work requirements of the district party committee and management committee:

(1) Do a good job in the stable control of the relevant petitioners in Xinghua Bonsai Garden. Special personnel have been arranged to carry out 24-hour stable control of the relevant petitioners, division of labor and cooperation, clear responsibilities, responsibilities assigned to individuals, and resolutely put an end to their appeals by leapfrogging;

(2) Effectively increase the publicity of land acquisition and demolition policies, adhere to laws and regulations, and operate in a sunny manner;

(3) Effectively strengthen the monitoring of public opinion, correctly guide public opinion, and prevent false hype;

(4) Actively do a good job in the policy education and interpretation of relevant personnel of Xinghua Bonsai Garden, and respond to social concerns in a timely manner.


Development Zone Branch of Ganzhou Public Security Bureau

November 7, 2012





