

































Report on "7.18" Cangshusheng Intentional Homicide in Sihezhuang, Fengtai District

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At around 0:00 on July 18, 2012, the Fengtai Criminal Investigation Detachment received a report from the duty room of the Sihezhuang Police Station: Zang Shusheng, a villager in Baotai Village, Fengtai District, Beijing, claimed to have killed his wife and buried her body near Gaobeidian, Hebei Province, China . After receiving the report, captain Wang Dagang of our criminal investigation detachment led the investigators to the police station to start work.


1. The situation of receiving reports

At 16:59 on July 17, 2012, Zang Shusheng (male, 38 years old, Baotai No. 117, Fengtai District, Beijing) dialed 110 and reported that there was a family dispute at the cement seller 500 meters east of Baotai Road intersection in Fengtai District, Beijing. . After receiving the report, the police from Sihezhuang Police Station rushed to the scene to carry out work. It was learned that the caller, Cang Shusheng, had an affair and often quarreled with his wife. On the morning of the 17th, the two drove out. At 16:00 in the afternoon, Zang Shusheng drove back alone. His wife Luo Guiqiong's whereabouts are unknown. The son of Cang Shusheng, who called the police, had a quarrel with Cang Shusheng because he could not contact his mother and was worried about accidents. Later, the police took Cang Shusheng and Zang Le back to the police station to continue working.


2. Inquiry

1. Zang Le (male, 16 years old, ID number:, from Fengtai District, Beijing). According to the person’s report: at about 21 o’clock in the evening on July 16, 2012, his father Zang Shusheng (male, 38 years old, from Fengtai, Beijing) and his mother Luo Guiqiong (female, 40 years old, from Fengtai, Beijing) drove (red horse 6, License plate number: Beijing N6QS66) picked him up from Sihezhuang Station. At that time, he felt that both of them had been drinking, and Luo Guiqiong was already in a semi-comatose state. After the three arrived home, Cang Shusheng urged Luo Guiqiong to go to bed quickly. He went back into the next room and went to bed at about 2300. At 9:00 a.m. on July 17, 2012, he saw at the door of the house that Cang Shusheng was pulling Luo Guiqiong out. He asked Cang Shusheng if he took Luo Guiqiong to the hospital, and Cang Shusheng said yes. But Luo Guiqiong was always unwilling to go, and said while being pulled: No, no. After he hurried back to the house and got dressed, he wanted to go with him. But at this time Cang Shusheng had already pulled Luo Guiqiong into the car and drove away. From 10 o'clock to 13 o'clock that day, when he called Cang Shusheng, Cang Shusheng's mobile phone was turned off, and Luo Guiqiong's mobile phone was left at home. At about 16 o'clock in the afternoon, Cang Shusheng drove back alone, and he asked Luo Guiqiong's whereabouts. Zang Shusheng said that Luo Guiqiong went to climb the mountain. Zang Le questioned him many times. Cang Shusheng got angry and scolded Zang Le while trying to beat him, but was pulled away by his neighbors. Zang Le returned to his house. About 10 minutes later, Cang Shusheng entered the house and called the police in front of him, and the police car arrived. According to his reflection: his father Zang Shusheng usually had a bad relationship with his mother Luo Guiqiong, and often had quarrels with Luo Guiqiong over money matters, and beat others. Moreover, Zang Shusheng has a lover outside, and basically does not go home to live. When he returned home, he also asked Luo Guiqiong for money. If he didn't give him money, he would beat Luo Guiqiong. He used everything when fighting, and Luo Guiqiong, who was often beaten, was covered in bruises. Now Luo Guiqiong has been in a bad state of mind after being beaten.


2. Cangshusheng, nicknamed "Dasheng", male, 38 years old, ID number:, date of birth: March 30, 1974, is from Fengtai District, Beijing. After working with the police, the person confessed: In June 2012, he was hospitalized in Fengtai Railway Hospital for cerebral infarction and was discharged in July. His wife Luo Guiqiong was unwilling to give him money to continue his medical treatment, so he had the idea of killing Luo Guiqiong. On July 15, 2012, he asked Luo Guiqiong for money for medical treatment, but Luo Guiqiong refused to give the money. During dinner on the evening of July 16, he proposed to drink liquor with Luo Guiqiong, intending to drink Luo Guiqiong to death. Luo Guiqiong complained of dizziness after drinking a bottle of Bai Niu Er, and he helped Luo Guiqiong to bed to sleep. After waking up in the morning on July 17, 2012, he put a shovel in the trunk of the car, woke up Luo Guiqiong, and pulled Luo Guiqiong, who was half asleep, into the back seat of the car. When I met Zang Le in the middle, Zang Le asked him where he wanted to take Luo Guiqiong? He said and went out for a walk. After driving the car for about one kilometer, Cang Shusheng parked the car on the side of the road and moved it to the back seat of the car. At that time, Luo Guiqiong was lying down on the back seat of the car, and he helped Luo Guiqiong up, and then he grabbed Luo Guiqiong's neck with both hands. I pinched for about 2 minutes until Luo Guiqiong didn't respond. After that, he put Luo Guiqiong on the back seat, drove to a gas station run by a person near Gaobeidian, Hebei Province, and bought diesel for 20 yuan. Then he drove to a woods, dug a pit about 30 cm deep with the shovel he brought, and carried Luo Guiqiong's body into the pit. Then he set the corpse on fire with the diesel he bought, and the fire burned for about 10 minutes. He put out the fire with a shovel and buried the corpse with soil.


3. Situation of exhumation

On July 18, 2012, investigators led the suspect Cang Shusheng to the burial site to exhume the body. The body of the deceased Luo Guiqiong was dug out under the Daqing River East Embankment in Dongdaying Township, Gaobei City, Hebei Province. So far, the murder case of Zangshusheng has come to light. After asking the leader for instructions, our investigators set up the case as a case of intentional homicide and started working.


4. Investigation and visits

1. Sun Xihua (Cangshusheng’s mother, 67 years old), Cangshutian (Cangshusheng’s eldest brother, 44 years old), and Zang Shuwang (Cangshusheng’s second brother, 41 years old) all reported: On the morning of July 17, 2012 At about 8:30, Cang Shusheng drove Luo Guiqiong away, and only Cang Shusheng came back later. Cang Shusheng usually has a quick temper and a bad temper. He has had conflicts with Luo Guiqiong for several years due to an affair, and the two often fight.


2. Liang Qiuxian (female, 62 years old, native of Shaanxi, a neighbor who collects books and wins books) reflected: There was usually a wooden shovel with a pointed end in front of her house, but on July 17, she found it was missing. Usually the shovel is placed against the cement pillar in front of the door and used for usual work. On the morning of July 13, I used the shovel to plant onions for the last time. Recently, no one has borrowed the shovel from me.


4. Basic information of the deceased

Luo Guiqiong, female, 44 years old, registered permanent residence: Baotai No. 117, Fengtai District, Beijing, temporary residence: rented house in Zone B, Mingyuan, World Park, Fengtai District, Beijing, unemployed.


Five, the process of solving the case

The criminal suspect, Zangshusheng, nicknamed "Dasheng", male, 38 years old, ID number:, date of birth: March 30, 1974, household registration: No. 117, Baotai Brigade, Fengtai District, Beijing, temporary residence: A rented room on the south side of the apartment for the elderly in the prosperity Xiutong Service Center for the Elderly in the Science and Technology Park of Fengtai District, Beijing.


At present, the criminal suspect Cang Shusheng has been criminally detained by the Fengtai Branch, and further examination and evidence collection is in progress.


The first team of the fifth brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fengtai Branch

July 18, 2012




