














今年来,我局公安法制工作在局党委的领导和上级法制部门的指导下,以深入开展“三访三评”和公安机关执法规范化建设活动为契机,紧紧围绕公安中心工作,以开展网上执法办案和规范执法为重点, 进一步规范全局执法活动,提高全局民警的整体执法水平,保障和促进全体民警严格、公正、文明执法,为维护我县社会治安秩序发挥了较好的职能作用。现将我局2012年法制工作总结如下:















4、认真抓好《行政强制法》、《公安机关执法细则》、新《刑事诉讼法》的学习培训,举办各类培训班12期,参训人员1700 人(次)。






2、审核刑事案件392614人,刑事拘留378人,逮捕252人,取保候审194人,其中改变案件定性4起,建议撤销案件5起,建议立案2起,建议变更强制措施6人(次);审核行政案件323797人,行政拘留460人,罚款337人。经审核,追加处罚违法人员4 人,纠正定性错误2 3 人,纠正法律、法规适用错误1 1 人,变更处罚3 4人,建议不予处罚1  1人。对每起案件的审核情况我队审案人员都详细登记,制作阅卷笔录,指出存在的问题,提出纠正意见。对存在问题较严重,不能当面补充、纠正的案件,向办案单位发书面《退补通知书》。我大队还对案件审核情况实行月通报制度,对办案质量好的单位予以通报表扬,对办案质量差的予以批评,对审核发现的突出问题进行整理归类,并通过办公系统进行公布,督促办案民警自觉整改,提醒民警在以后的办案中避免出现类似的执法问题。























Xinfeng County Public Security Bureau 2012 Legal Work Summary
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Xinfeng County Public Security Bureau 2012 Legal Work Summary


In the past year, under the leadership of the bureau's party committee and the guidance of the higher-level legal department, the public security legal work of our bureau has taken the opportunity to carry out the "three visits and three comments" and the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs as an opportunity to closely focus on the work of the public security center. Focusing on law enforcement and standardizing law enforcement, further standardize overall law enforcement activities, improve the overall law enforcement level of the overall police, ensure and promote strict, fair and civilized law enforcement by all police, and play a better functional role in maintaining social order in our county. The legal system work of our bureau in 2012 is summarized as follows:

1. Construction of standardization of law enforcement

1. Conscientiously implement the spirit of the provincial and municipal legal conferences, and actively promote the standardization of law enforcement. The party committee of our bureau attaches great importance to the standardization of law enforcement. After each legal meeting, the legal team of our bureau will report to the leaders in charge and the main leaders of the bureau in a timely manner. spirit, arrange and deploy the work of law enforcement and standardization construction.

2. Adhere to online circulation and promote the informatization of law enforcement. This year, our bureau has firmly grasped the combination of law enforcement informatization, which is the standardization of law enforcement and public security informatization, and vigorously promoted the standardization of law enforcement by means of informatization. Our Bureau requires all departments to enter all information of the case (incident) into the information system on time, with quality and quantity guaranteed. For cases that are circulated online and not circulated online, the county bureau will deduct points from the case-handling department and include them in the monthly assessment. This year, our bureau has filed 1,657 criminal cases online, prosecuted 292 cases, and accepted 631 administrative cases online. 374 criminal cases and 323 administrative cases were reviewed online. All discovered cases have been entered into the online case handling system, and cases reported off-line have been supplemented according to regulations when the system returns to normal.

3. Actively raise funds to build law enforcement and case handling sites, and successfully complete the construction tasks. In view of the imminent implementation of the new criminal procedure law, the construction of law enforcement and case handling places is a rigid task, which is of great importance and urgently needed. After the phased summary and promotion meeting of the city's public security organs for the standardization of law enforcement, our bureau attached great importance to it, quickly established a leading group, took multiple measures, worked hard, and vigorously promoted the construction of standardized law enforcement and case handling sites. In order to build a high-standard law enforcement and case-handling place, our bureau has organized personnel to visit and study in Ganxian County and Zhanggong, learn from the experience of brother units, expand ideas, learn from each other's strengths, eliminate the dross and extract the essence, strictly follow the requirements of law enforcement and case-handling functional divisions, and set up case-handling places With scientific planning and reasonable construction, in just 5 months, our bureau has completed the construction of 17 law enforcement and case handling sites and the installation of simultaneous audio and video recording and monitoring equipment. All of them have been put into use and the construction task has been successfully completed.

4. Actively plan and prepare for the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination. This year, on the basis of comprehensively summarizing the work of the 2011 basic law enforcement qualification examination, our bureau has actively planned and prepared for the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination. Organized various units to participate in the study and training and ordered the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination books, requiring all units to provide conditions for the police to study and recharge. further stimulated.

5. Carry out in-depth "three comments and three visits" activities. Taking the opportunity of in-depth development of the "three evaluations and three visits" activities, the case file evaluation, case review, and evaluation work were organically combined and carried out simultaneously. Through evaluation, visits, and investigations of outstanding law enforcement issues that the masses have strongly reflected, centralized rectification will be carried out to further improve the people's satisfaction with public security law enforcement work. During the event, our team visited 13 enterprises and institutions, more than 500 merchants, more than 1,500 households, more than 6,000 publicity materials, collected more than 10 opinions and suggestions from the masses, investigated and resolved 4 conflicts and disputes, and implemented 8 rectification measures Articles, more than 20 good deeds for the masses, further building a harmonious relationship between the police and the people, solidly promoting the standardization of law enforcement, and effectively enhancing the credibility of law enforcement by public security organs.

6. Conscientiously organize and carry out special inspection activities on "rectification of outstanding law enforcement problems", "handling of separate cases" and "fugitive personnel" cases. In accordance with the requirements of the higher authorities, our bureau carefully organized and carried out the special inspection of the cases involving "other cases" and "fugitives" in the cases of arrest and transfer for prosecution in 2011 and the activities of "rectification of outstanding law enforcement problems", respectively formulated implementation plans, and established corresponding departments. The organization has carefully sorted out, inspected, and rectified the cases submitted for arrest and transfer for prosecution in 2011, and carefully sorted out the outstanding problems in the 2011 law enforcement quality evaluation, selection of good and bad cases, and legal-related and litigation-related petition cases. According to the main crux and problems of our bureau's law enforcement, we carefully analyzed the reasons, summed up the experience and lessons, formulated effective rectification measures, improved the law enforcement management system, and improved the working system and mechanism, which greatly promoted the overall law enforcement level of our bureau.

7. Seriously organize and carry out the "Standardized Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day" activities. In order to implement the overall deployment and requirements of the Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial Department, and the Municipal Bureau on carrying out the "three visits and three evaluations" and deepening the "big visit" to open the door to evaluate the police, in order to further strengthen contact and communication with the people, it was found that the public security organs were in law enforcement. The deficiencies in the work promote the public security organs and the police to firmly establish the awareness of regulating law enforcement and standardize law enforcement behavior. On April 28, our bureau launched the "Open Day of Prisons" and invited 26 social law enforcement supervisors to enter the prison visit. On the morning of June 6, Zhong Jianqing, the leader of the sub-bureau, led the masses and representatives from all walks of life to visit the results of the renovation and construction of the functional zoning of the law enforcement and case handling sites of our bureau.

8. Continue to carry out in-depth creation of law enforcement demonstration units, establish law enforcement models, and comprehensively improve the standardization of law enforcement. According to the selection criteria of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Department of Law Enforcement Demonstration Units, we formulated the implementation opinions of our Bureau to create law enforcement demonstration units, and actively cultivated law enforcement demonstration units

2. System construction and training

1. Actively cooperate with the Ministry of Public Security, provincial departments, and municipal bureaus in the legislative work, conscientiously organize the police to carry out study and research activities, and put forward 7 amendments.

      2. Formulate 5 law enforcement systems. This year, our bureau has mainly formulated relevant systems for the management of law enforcement and case handling functions, and formulated the "Case Handling Area Management System", "

Xinfeng County Public Security Bureau Case Handling Center Interrogation Equipment Use Management Regulations, Interrogation Room Work Specifications, Case Supervision System, etc.

3. Organize to attend the trial. In accordance with the requirements of the "Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organs' Regulations on Attending Trials by Police", in March and August this year, 112 law enforcement policemen from criminal investigation, economic investigation, public security, and police stations were organized to attend the county people's court.

4. Conscientiously grasp the study and training of "Administrative Enforcement Law", "Detailed Rules for Law Enforcement of Public Security Organs" and the new "Criminal Procedure Law", hold 12 training sessions of various types, and 1,700 people (times) participated in the training.

3. Handling of reeducation through labor and reconsideration cases

1. Our bureau continues to reform the approval system for reeducation through labor, implements labor reeducation hearings, implements lawyer representation, shortens the period of reeducation through labor, expands the scope of execution outside the labor camp, and strengthens the supervision of reeducation through labor. The examination and approval work is transparent, fair, and institutionalized to promote the smooth development of the labor education examination and approval work and improve the quality of the labor education examination and approval work. This year, our bureau reported 2 cases of reeducation through labor and 4 people, approved 2 cases of 4 people, and executed 1 person outside the prison. All cases handled by our bureau have a term of reeducation through labor within one year and six months, and there is no public hearing of the case.

2. There are no administrative reconsideration, litigation or state compensation cases in our bureau.

Fourth, the supervision of law enforcement.

1. Our bureau conducted 6 law enforcement quality evaluations, inspected 587 cases, found 71 law enforcement problems, and rectified 71 cases.

2. Reviewed 392 criminal cases involving 614 persons, 378 persons were criminally detained, 252 persons were arrested, and 194 persons were released on bail pending trial, among which 4 cases were changed in nature, 5 cases were proposed to be withdrawn, 2 cases were proposed to be filed, and 6 cases were proposed to be changed in compulsory measures (times ); reviewed 323 administrative cases involving 797 persons, administratively detained 460 persons, and fined 337 persons. After review, 4 additional offenders were punished, 3 persons were corrected in 2 cases of qualitative errors, 1 person was corrected in 1 case of application of laws and regulations, 4 persons were punished in 3 cases, and 1 person was recommended not to be punished in 1 case. For the review of each case, the adjudicators of our team will register in detail, make a transcript of the review, point out the existing problems, and put forward corrective opinions. For cases with serious problems that cannot be supplemented or corrected in person, a written "Notice of Refund" shall be issued to the case-handling unit. Our brigade also implements a monthly notification system for the review of cases, giving notifications to units with good case handling quality, criticizing those with poor case handling quality, sorting out and categorizing outstanding problems found in the review, and publishing them through the office system to supervise and urge case handling The police consciously rectified and reminded the police to avoid similar law enforcement problems in future case handling.

3. Further promote the implementation of the legal system. Thoroughly implement the "Ministry of Public Security's Opinions on Establishing and Improving the Legal System of Public Security Organs at the County Level" and "Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organs' Legal System". With strong legal professional ability and less than three years of experience in law enforcement and handling cases, the review process for legal officers of case handling units has been added to the case event system.

4. Deepen the application of the evaluation results of law enforcement quality and the selection results of high-quality and low-quality cases. Incorporate the results of law enforcement quality evaluation into the performance evaluation system, increase the use of evaluation results, regularly publish the results of law enforcement quality evaluation, actively implement accountability, reward and punishment measures, allocate special funds to reward outstanding law enforcement units and individuals, and punish poor-quality case handlers and legal reviewers to impose administrative or economic penalties.

V. Construction of the legal team

1. The party committee of the Bureau attaches great importance to legal work and comprehensively strengthens the construction of legal teams. In accordance with the State Council's opinions on standardizing the job sequence of the people's police in public security organs and the opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on further strengthening the construction of the public security legal team, our bureau has completed the reform of the legal department team system, and the comprehensive department has been included in the front-line law enforcement service unit and changed to the legal brigade Comprehensively strengthen the construction of the legal team in terms of institutional setup, personnel, equipment, and office funds.

2. Actively carry out the construction of core values. Actively carry out the construction of legal police camp culture, and vigorously promote the core values of political and legal officers and police officers of "loyalty, serving the people, justice, and integrity". During the activity, the legal police of our bureau adopted a method of combining self-study and concentrated discussion, and carefully studied the "Reader for the Socialist Rule of Law", "The Proverbs of Style", "The Core Values ​​Education Reader for Political and Legal Police Officers" and relevant documents and materials of the superiors. The substance of the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Hu Jintao's relevant speeches has enabled the police to firmly establish the concept of performing their duties according to the law, the concept of equality before the law, and the concept of respecting and protecting human rights, and truly solve the ideological problem of "for whom to enforce the law and for whom to serve" , to further emancipate the mind, reform and innovate, use reform thinking, development methods, and innovative ideas to solve the problems that restrict public security legal work, and actively promote new developments and new progress in the cause of public security legal work.

3. Continue to implement the on-site guidance service system. According to the divisional responsibility system, each legal policeman is responsible for several grassroots law enforcement units, carries out counterpart services, case review, solves law enforcement problems, promotes law enforcement work, and summarizes and promotes law enforcement experience. The legal police regularly and irregularly go to the grassroots level to provide on-site guidance and law enforcement for the grassroots law enforcement, and answer legal questions raised by the police handling the case on the spot. Provide legal guidance and services.

6. Existing problems and work ideas for next year

(1) Existing problems. In the past six months, the legal department of our bureau has made some achievements, but there are still some shortcomings and difficulties, mainly in:

1. The intensity of law enforcement supervision is not enough, and there is fear of difficulties.

2. The construction of legal teams and legal institutions lags behind, and there is a lack of competitive incentive mechanisms.

3. The overall quality and level of law enforcement is not high enough, and there is still a big gap compared with the legal work of public security in advanced counties and cities.

(2) Work ideas for next year.

Next year, we will face up to the existing difficulties and deficiencies, redouble our efforts, and reform with determination. Focusing on improving the overall quality and level of law enforcement, we will improve various law enforcement systems, strengthen guidance and training for grassroots law enforcement, and deepen law enforcement quality evaluation. Strengthen information construction and legal research work, seek truth and be pragmatic, forge ahead, and push the level of legal business construction of our bureau to a new level.

(1) Strengthen system construction. Explore the construction of a law enforcement system that adapts to the actual work, based on solving the most prominent, urgent, and common problems in public security law enforcement, focus on solving the most concerned, most direct, and most realistic interests of the people, establish and improve the internal joint system, and the inspection, Regular contact system of legal units, law enforcement inspection system. Strengthen the operability and pertinence of various systems, reduce and eliminate the randomness of law enforcement from the source, and continuously promote the standardization, institutionalization, and regularization of law enforcement.

(2) Strengthen law enforcement training. The first is to focus on the laws and regulations commonly used in public security law enforcement, and adopt various training modes such as overall centralized training, case reviews, case-by-case statements, special lectures, court hearing systems, etc., to comprehensively improve the legal literacy of the police and promote the overall law enforcement level of our bureau. Improve; the second is to focus on weak links such as frequent problems and frequent mistakes in the law enforcement of grassroots teams, as well as issues that are likely to cause law enforcement disputes, conduct law enforcement training, door-to-door services, provide legal services for front-line law enforcement teams on the spot, and constantly standardize law enforcement behavior , improve law enforcement capabilities, and ensure that the police are strict, fair, civilized, and efficient in law enforcement.

(3) Strengthen online services. One is to use the Xinfeng Public Security Legal System website to further strengthen online law enforcement services, and to update the latest commonly used legal provisions and judicial interpretations in a timely manner. The second is to build an online communication platform through the Network Supervision Team. Legal officers of various departments can set up login accounts through The webpage communicates the problems that arise in actual cases, and the Legal Team can promptly answer the specific problems encountered by various departments in law enforcement practice through the Internet. Provide a platform for learning and learning from the experience of law enforcement and handling cases; the second is to establish and improve the "case review" system, comment and comment on major difficult cases and typical case review mechanisms, explain the law with cases, guide and serve grassroots teams, and promote the overall level of law enforcement. improve;

(4) Strengthen law enforcement supervision. The first is to focus on the "import and export" of cases, and solve outstanding law enforcement problems in a timely manner. Major cases or cases such as criminal detention, release, and withdrawal of cases must be collectively discussed and decided by the bureau's case review committee; second, strengthen the daily evaluation of cases to achieve law enforcement evaluation normalization. Adopt a monthly case evaluation system and quarterly door-to-door service to review the cases, review the cases completed by each law enforcement unit within one month, and rectify immediately if any problems are found, so as to ensure that law enforcement problems are solved in a timely manner, and avoid concentration and rectification of problems The disadvantages of mere formality.




                                December 7, 2012




