














死者王国同 ,男,42 岁,身份证: ,户籍地:中国江苏省兴化市沙沟镇兴龙村大兴三组13 


伤者胥加发 ,男,42岁,身份证号: ,户籍地:中国江苏省兴化市沙沟镇大兴村十组11 


孙建锋,男,24岁,身份证号: ,户籍地:中国江苏省兴化市沙沟镇兴龙村大兴九组19 
















 "8.03" Report on the Intentional Injury Case of Wan Guofeng in Fanjia Village, Fengtai District

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"8.03" Report on the Intentional Injury Case of Wan Guofeng in Fanjia Village, Fengtai District

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Case number: A1101065000002012080018


At about 22:00 on August 3, 2012, the duty room of our team's reception team deployed police: On Fengtai East Road, northwest of Guangji Hospital, Fanjia Village, Fengtai District, Beijing, there was a fight on the road. After receiving the report, the investigators of our team, under the leadership of Zhao Leibing, the deputy director of the sub-bureau, and Wang Zhuo, the captain of the criminal investigation detachment, rushed to the scene to start work together with the investigators of the technical team of the sub-bureau and the forensic doctor.


1. The situation of receiving reports

At about 22:00 on August 3, 2012, the caller Cao Xiaojuan (female, 26 years old, from Jiangsu Province) and her hometown Wang Guotong (male, 42 years old, from Jiangsu Province), Xu Jiafa (male, 42 years old, from Jiangsu Province) ), Sun Jianfeng (male, 24 years old, from Jiangsu Province) and others took a taxi home by the side of the road after eating at the Northeast Tiger Restaurant in Jijiamiao, Fengtai District, Beijing. Then there was an altercation with a black car driver. Later, the driver of the black car stabbed Wang Guotong, Xu Jiafa and Sun Jianfeng with a knife and fled. Cao Xiaojuan called 110 to call the police.


2. On-site investigation

The scene is located next to Fengtai East Road, northwest of Guangji Hospital, Wanliuqiao, Fengtai District, Beijing.


The deceased Wang Guotong, male, 42 years old, ID card: , household registration: No. 13, Group 3, Daxing, Xinglong Village, Shagou Town, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, China.


The injured Xu Jiafa, male, 42 years old, ID number: , household registration: No. 11, Group 10, Daxing Village, Shagou Town, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, China.


Sun Jianfeng, male, 24 years old, ID number: , registered address: No. 19, Group 9, Daxing, Xinglong Village, Shagou Town, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, China.


3. Access work

Cao Xiaojuan, who called the police, said: at about 22:00 on August 3, 2012, she and fellow villagers Wang Guotong, Xu Jiafa, Sun Jianfeng and others came out of the Northeast Tiger Restaurant after dinner and stood on the side of the road to take a taxi home. At this time, a silver-gray modern car drove over, with a red light inside the car. Xu Jiafa, Sun Jianfeng, and Wang Guotong all waved to stop the car, and the car stopped. With the windows open, a man in the car swears at her fellow countrymen. The driver drove the car forward a little and turned off the car. The driver got out of the car, walked up to Xu Jiafa and punched Xu Jiafa a few times. Xu Jiafa pushed the driver with his hands, and after a few pushes, the driver went to the car, bent down and took out a knife from the car. The driver first stabbed Xu Jiafa twice in the left shoulder and waist. At this time, Wang Guotong went over to fight and was stabbed several times in the waist. Wang Guotong fell to the ground, Sun Jianfeng was stabbed in the chest, and the driver fled.


4. Detection situation

At about 23:00 on August 3, 2012, the criminal suspect Wan Guofeng (male, 29 years old, ID number:, household registration: No. 9, Xinzhuang Village, Fengtai District, Beijing) and his wife surrendered themselves to the police station of Fanjia Village, Fengtai District, Beijing .


After interrogation, the criminal suspect Wan Guofeng confronted Wang Guofeng with a knife after he had a dispute about taking a taxi on the northwest side of Guangji Hospital, Wanliuqiao, Fengtai District, Beijing, at around 22:00 on August 3, 2012, by the side of Fengtai East Road. , Xu Jiafa, Sun Jianfeng and others confessed to their crimes.


So far, the case has been solved.



The First Team of the Fourth Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Fengtai Branch

                             August 4, 2012




