























7、为更好地贯彻执行《江西省公安机关执法办案场所录音录像系统管理使用规范》,切实做好新修订《刑事诉讼法》贯彻执行前的准备工作, 11月16在分局三楼会议室组织开展办案场所同步录音录像系统使用培训。在家的局领导、办案民警和分管办案的负责人120余人参加培训。












































 Summary of Zhanggong Branch's legal work in 2012

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Summary of Zhanggong Branch's legal work in 2012


In 2012, the branch's legal work closely focused on the main line of promoting the standardization of law enforcement. Taking the opportunity of the transformation of the functional divisions of law enforcement and case-handling units, it strengthened law enforcement supervision, improved the law enforcement system, standardized law enforcement behavior, carried out law enforcement training, and fully utilized its functions. Good staff and assistants, comprehensively promote the standardization of law enforcement in our bureau.

1. Construction of standardization of law enforcement

1. The Zhanggong Sub-bureau has successively held three series of training lectures on the newly revised "Criminal Procedure Law", explaining in detail all the key contents of the newly revised "Criminal Procedure Law" from the perspectives of lawyers, courts and public security in an all-round and multi-angle manner. The leadership team of the home bureau, the policemen of various units, and the police assistants listened to the lectures, and the number of trainees reached more than 1,400 person-times. The development of a series of training activities has greatly improved the legal quality of the branch police and further promoted the standardization of law enforcement.

Relying on the police training school run by the branch, experts and the backbone of the bureau are hired to give lectures, and education and training are strengthened. A total of 6 legal knowledge trainings are carried out throughout the year for 2,300 people.

2. Carry out the renovation and construction of the functional areas of law enforcement and case handling sites. The branch office holds a director's office meeting for special research, establishes a special agency, and guarantees funding. The legal police went to Nanchang to participate in training and visited the construction of functional areas of Nanchang public security law enforcement sites. Our bureau has basically completed the transformation of the sub-bureau's case-handling center, NFLS, Shahe and other police stations and criminal investigation team functional areas.

3. In order to further promote the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs in the province, and further standardize the management of law enforcement and case handling venues of public security organs, according to the Ministry of Public Security's "Specifications for the Establishment of Law Enforcement Offices of Public Security Organs", the branch issued the "Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau" formulated by the Provincial Public Security Department Regulations on the Administration of the Use of Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites of Organs (Trial Implementation).

4. Held a law enforcement standardization construction promotion meeting and a symposium for legal officials. Notified the evaluation of law enforcement quality in 2011 and the monthly evaluation of law enforcement quality in the first quarter of 2012, conveyed the spirit of the city's legal work conference held in Shangyu in April 2012, and deployed the branch's legal work in 2012. At the symposium for legal officials, everyone's opinions and suggestions were solicited on legal knowledge training, law enforcement system construction, legal system review, and guidance services.

5. In order to further promote the in-depth development of the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs across the country, in accordance with the requirements of the "Overall Arrangement for the Standardization of Law Enforcement by National Public Security Organs", members of the branch leadership team, all police officers of the legal department, heads of law enforcement units, legal officers, and police representatives were organized A total of 339 person-times participated in listening to and watching the TV and telephone lectures on the standardization of law enforcement by public security organs and the TV and telephone counseling lectures on the "Administrative Compulsory Law".

6. Organize the legal police to go to the Zhongshan Road community to carry out the "three giveaways" activities according to the requirements of the superiors, understand the living conditions, economic conditions and main difficulties of the "three giveaways" objects, and seek solutions, such as actively helping the "three giveaways" object Zhong Zhijian Contact the security company, Diyi Avenue and other units to arrange for him to work as a security guard; register for the second child of Qiu Wanyan, the object of the "three gifts".

7. In order to better implement the "Jiangxi Province Public Security Organs Law Enforcement and Case Handling Sites Management and Use of Audio and Video System", and earnestly prepare for the implementation of the newly revised "Criminal Procedure Law", a meeting was held on the third floor of the branch office on November 16 The Office organizes the training on the use of the synchronous audio and video recording system in case-handling places. More than 120 people from the bureau leaders at home, the police handling the case and the person in charge of handling the case participated in the training.

8. In the 2012 annual law enforcement quality evaluation, our sub-bureau scored 85.78 points, ranking among the best. The branch's law enforcement quality evaluation has been rated as excellent for nine consecutive years.

9. Online case handling (December 1, 2011-November 30, 2012) recorded and reviewed 533 criminal cases with 927 persons; 603 administrative cases with 960 persons; 88 people were directly released on bail pending further investigation, and 5 people were placed under residential surveillance).

10. Comprehensively promote online law enforcement and case handling, and the upload rate of evidence in criminal cases and administrative cases has reached more than 90%.

11. Enthusiastically serve the law enforcement at the grassroots level. On the homepage of the branch bureau, a special column for the examination of law enforcement qualification levels has been opened, so that the police can keep abreast of the spirit of the higher-level documents and examination requirements; the training question bank for the law enforcement qualification examination has been produced, and the police can enter the system to take mock exams to test the learning effect. On December 2, a total of 198 people from the branch participated in the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination.

12. On October 18, the new criminal procedure law knowledge competition and the legal document production competition were organized. More than 60 policemen from each case-handling unit participated in the competition, and the individual first, second and third prizes and units of the two competitions were selected respectively A number of first, second and third prizes for groups.

13. Cooperated with the district procuratorate to carry out special inspection of "handling another case", and inspected a total of 46 cases involving 84 persons.

2. Development of system construction

Established and perfected Zhanggong Branch's "Receipt Procedures for Cases Transferred by Out-of-standard Units", "Zhanggong Branch's Law Enforcement Quality Accountability Regulations", "Legal Police Contact System", "Legal Personnel Assessment Methods", "Case Comment Regulations", The System of Appearing in Court and Responding to Prosecutions and the System of Civilian Police Attending Court Trials have been revised.

3. Handling of reeducation through labor, letters and visits, and reconsideration cases

1. A total of 17 RTL cases were handled, 27 RTL inmates were approved, and 16 were executed outside the labor camp.

2. In 2012, there were no administrative reconsideration and administrative litigation cases of state compensation.

4. Law Enforcement Supervision

1. Carried out 12 monthly evaluations of law enforcement quality, evaluating 603 administrative cases and 239 criminal cases.

2. Carried out quarterly inspections of bail pending trial cases. Centralized inspections were carried out on the cases of bail pending trial, and suggestions for handling were put forward one by one, timely investigations were organized, and the trial was urged to be concluded in accordance with the law. A total of 213 cases of 261 people released on bail were inspected, and 168 cases of 235 people released on bail were released.

3. Intensify the supervision of online case handling, irregularly conduct spot checks on the input of evidence in online case handling of each unit, and report the situation in a timely manner.

4. Conduct monthly follow-up inspections on the handling of fugitives in the "Net Clearing Operation", report the situation, and supervise the conclusion of the case according to law.

5. Do a good job in daily case review and check, and remind the due cases during the holidays in advance to prevent overdue cases. Throughout the year, a total of 533 criminal cases involving 927 persons and 561 administrative cases involving 915 persons were reviewed, of which 13 persons were involved in 9 cases where the nature of the case was changed through legal system review, and 23 cases were changed by the unit's handling opinion.

V. Construction of the legal team

1. Organize the police to seriously study the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, make study notes, and write personal experience.

In order to further build the loyalty of the police, cultivate the dedication of the police, and stimulate the high morale of the police, according to the deployment of the Political Department of the Municipal Bureau, during the loyalty education week, the legal police participated in the voluntary blood donation activity of "loyalty, dedication and service for the people" .

2. Organize the police to study the materials of the symposium on "Learning and Implementing the Spirit of the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Youth League" in Zhanggong District, "The Central, Provincial, and Municipal Commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Youth League Spirit Communication Outline", and the police wrote an experience based on their own reality .

3. Perfected the "Accountability Regulations for Law Enforcement Quality of Zhanggong Sub-bureau", formulated and released the main points of legal work in 2012 on the sub-bureau's homepage.

4. The police of the legal system go to the grass-roots level to answer questions on the spot, teach the online case handling process, and guide the police to do a good job in the online case handling evidence entry.

5. In combination with the law enforcement research month activities carried out by the branch, a symposium for legal officers and a symposium for police representatives of the branch was held to listen to the opinions and suggestions of legal officers and police on legal work.

6. The party branch of the legal brigade gives full play to the role of the grass-roots party organization as a battle fortress, leads all party members and police to love their posts and dedication, selfless dedication, keep abreast of the work, living conditions and ideological trends of the legal police, so that all the police can unite and work together to complete the legal brigade various work tasks.

7. Improve the content of the branch's legal webpage and strengthen legal publicity.

8. The legal department actively participates in the research of various difficult cases and provides guidance for leadership decision-making. Strictly implement the revised "Law Enforcement Evaluation Reward and Punishment Measures" of the Zhanggong Branch, and use the results of the year-end law enforcement quality evaluation of each case-handling unit as one of the basis for the evaluation of the first and the best.

9. Persist in holding semi-annual and annual legal work conferences, with the participation of bureau leaders, police from the legal brigade, and legal officers from various case-handling units to summarize and deploy legal work.

10. Through multi-angle and multi-channel combinations such as centralized law enforcement training, court hearing training, meeting-based training, and improving the strength of teachers, further strengthen and promote the law enforcement and duty training of public security organs and police.

6. Work plans and suggestions for 2013

1. Study and implement the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, enhance the sense of urgency, study hard, work hard, seek truth and be pragmatic, pioneer and innovate, take the scientific development concept as the guide, strictly enforce the law, serve enthusiastically, and contribute to maintaining social stability and unity.

2. The legal work of the sub-bureau closely revolves around the main line of promoting the standardization of law enforcement, starting from the functional zoning transformation of law enforcement and case-handling units, strengthening the construction of law enforcement systems, and further promoting the standardization of law enforcement.

3. Actively implement the accumulative system of police law study credits, and take the intermediate law enforcement qualification examination as an opportunity to promote the police to strengthen their studies and take the exam. Organize legal knowledge contests to improve the police's ability and level of law enforcement.

4. Strengthen supervision, promote the full implementation of online case handling, ensure that 100% of the cases handled are entered, and steadily promote online case review, online supervision, and online evaluation.

5. Combined with the problems existing in the law enforcement and case handling of the sub-bureau, organize the training of the administrative and criminal case file demonstrations of the public security organs of the Ministry of Public Security, consolidate the results of the evaluation, strengthen the rectification and investigation of cases, and improve the quality of cases.

6. Summarize the experience of functional zoning renovation of NFLS police stations, provide reference for other case-handling units, and provide guidance and cooperation.

7. Carry out various forms of education and training, such as the legal system police go down to the point of contact to contact the unit, take the case of the unit as an example to conduct case reviews, raise existing problems and scoring standards; Special lectures on problems existing in law enforcement to promote the quality of law enforcement and case handling.

8. Intensify training efforts, organize law enforcement police officers of sub-bureaus to study the "Implementation Measures for Evaluation and Appraisal of Law Enforcement Quality of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province" (2012 revised draft), and effectively improve the quality of law enforcement and case handling.

9. Strictly implement the revised "Criminal Procedure Law". In the practice of law enforcement, carefully collect and implement the problems and difficulties encountered in the implementation, conduct research and propose solutions, and strengthen contact and communication with relevant departments in a timely manner to make contributions Good report.


December 10, 2012





