























(三)圆满完成2012年中级执法资格考试赣州考区龙南考点任务。为了组织好本次考试,我局党委高度重视,谢建林局长多次过问、钟思全政委亲自主抓,由法制大队负责龙南考点的具体考务工作。2012122,江西省公安机关人民警察2012年中级执法资格考试赣州考区龙南考点如期举行, 寻乌、安远、信丰、定南、全南、龙南县公安局等六个单位共计804人在龙南中学参加了考试。


















Summary of the 2012 legal work of Longnan County Public Security Bureau

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Summary of the 2012 legal work of Longnan County Public Security Bureau


In 2012, under the correct guidance of the Legal Detachment of the Municipal Bureau and the Party Committee of the County Bureau, our brigade closely focused on the fundamental requirements of the standardized construction of law enforcement, and under the platform of comprehensively and deeply carrying out the "three visits and three evaluations" activities, to solve the problems of our bureau's public security law enforcement. Taking the outstanding problems in the field as the starting point, taking online case handling as the carrier, taking the law enforcement quality evaluation as the starting point, and focusing on the construction of law enforcement and case handling venues, we have comprehensively and systematically promoted the standardization of law enforcement in our bureau, and promoted the improvement of the overall law enforcement quality. The legal work in 2012 is summarized as follows:

1. The situation of further promoting the standardization of law enforcement

(1) Promote the full implementation of online case handling, circulate all cases online, and deepen the construction of law enforcement informatization. Strengthen online inspections of online case handling, keep abreast of the online operation of cases handled by various law enforcement and case handling units, check case data with the office statistics department, report the online circulation of cases in each case handling unit, and urge all case handling units to fully implement online case circulation, approval and truthfulness. file a case. Strict daily online review and approval requires that the evidence materials of each case must be uploaded and circulated in a timely manner. Once it is found that the evidence materials have not been uploaded or partially uploaded, the approval will not be granted, ensuring that the evidence upload rate of criminal cases and administrative cases reaches 100%.

(2) In order to promote the standardization of law enforcement and case-handling venues, our brigade has carefully studied since receiving the notice, and based on the principles of practicality, practicality, and simplicity, we have taken multiple measures and demonstrated repeatedly. With the strong cooperation of the police security department, the construction The work was placed in a prominent position, and a construction plan for the functional zoning of law enforcement and case handling sites was formulated, and the construction progress was ensured with all efforts. The functional divisions of the law enforcement and case-handling sites of our bureau have all been completed and are being used in a standardized manner.

(3) In order to further improve the quality of handling criminal cases, implement the requirements issued by the Municipal Bureau on the special inspection work plan for "handling another case", and ensure that this inspection activity is carried out in a standardized and orderly manner, our brigade will take the lead and transfer the criminal investigation brigade, economics The business backbone of law enforcement units such as the investigation brigade and the Longnan Town Police Station conducted a special investigation and rectification work on criminal cases involving "handling in another case" in cases submitted for arrest and transfer for review and prosecution from January 2011 to December 2011, carefully analyzing and finding " Deal with the problems in the case of another case, and effectively plug the loopholes in law enforcement.

(4) In order to publicize the achievements made since the standardization of law enforcement and strengthen contact and communication with the people, our brigade carefully carried out the "Standardized Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day" activity in accordance with the requirements of the notice, and invited representatives of the county people's congress and members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference More than 30 people, including representatives of some units and representatives of the community, visited the county bureau's law enforcement and case handling functional divisions, held symposiums, and surveyed questionnaires to make the masses understand the standardization of law enforcement and case handling by the public security organs, effectively improving the public's sense of security and satisfaction.

2. System construction and law enforcement training

(1) In order to strengthen law enforcement supervision and improve the quality of law enforcement in our bureau, according to the continuous revision and improvement of the "Implementation Measures for the Evaluation and Evaluation of Law Enforcement Quality of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province", our brigade formulated the "Longnan County Public Security Bureau Law Enforcement Quality Evaluation System". In order to better conduct online law enforcement supervision, our brigade has also formulated the "Online Case Review System" and so on.

(2) In order to meet the needs of handling cases at the grassroots level, we organized and subscribed the "Guidelines for Handling Cases of the Public Prosecution Law", "Detailed Rules for Law Enforcement (2011 Revision)", "Interpretation of Detailed Rules for Law Enforcement (2011 Revision)", "Instructions for Law Enforcement (2011 Revision)" Interpretation of Administrative Compulsory Law and Case Application, Interpretation of the New Criminal Procedure Law and Guidelines for Public Security Practices, etc., and distributed to various law enforcement and case handling units to guide the police to carry out law enforcement and case handling. Our brigade has organized the heads of various law enforcement units and part-time legal officers to listen to the "Administrative Compulsion Law" and "New Criminal Procedure Law" TV and telephone lectures, carefully study the main content of the "Administrative Compulsion Law", and compare the "Criminal Procedure Law" before and after the revision It will help the general police understand and grasp the dynamics of law enforcement in a timely manner, effectively improve the quality of law enforcement of all police officers, and continuously improve the soft power of law enforcement of public security organs.

(3) Successfully completed the task of the Longnan test center in the Ganzhou test area of the 2012 Intermediate Law Enforcement Qualification Examination. In order to organize this exam well, the Party Committee of our bureau attaches great importance to it. Director Xie Jianlin has repeatedly asked questions, and political commissar Zhong Siquan personally took charge. On December 2, 2012, the 2012 Intermediate Law Enforcement Qualification Examination for the People's Police of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organs was held as scheduled in Longnan, Ganzhou Examination Area. 804 people took the test at Longnan Middle School.

3. Handling of reeducation through labor and reconsideration cases

In the first half of the year, our brigade handled 1 case of reeducation through labor, approved 3 inmates, handled 1 case of administrative reconsideration, and 1 case of administrative litigation.

4. Law Enforcement Supervision

Timely and effective law enforcement supervision is an important way to improve the quality of law enforcement, and the evaluation of law enforcement quality is also one of the most important tasks of the legal department. In order to effectively strengthen the supervision of case filing and investigation activities, and promote strict and fair law enforcement, this year, the online case handling system has added a review procedure for part-time legal officers of each law enforcement and case handling unit to supervise the daily law enforcement of the unit. While conducting strict daily audits, our brigade carried out the evaluation of the quality of law enforcement in the first half of this year. Through the evaluation, it was found that the police, especially the new police, still have many substantive and procedural problems in handling administrative and criminal cases. The case-handling unit immediately corrected the error and reported the rectification situation to our brigade.

V. Construction of the legal team

In order to implement the full coverage and normalization of the "three deliveries" of our bureau, the police of our brigade acted quickly, went deep into the grassroots, went to villages and households, and comprehensively carried out the "three deliveries" work. While carrying out the "three deliveries" work, we also combined the "three visits and three evaluations" activities to understand the difficulties encountered by the masses in life and production, grasp the various factors that affect social stability in rural areas, and solicit the broad masses' expectations for our bureau's law enforcement and opinions, patiently answer the legal questions consulted by the general public, and provide them with legal aid and some help within their ability. Through this activity, not only made some farmers friends, strengthened the harmonious relationship between the police and the people, but also laid the foundation for improving the security and satisfaction of the people.

6. Work plan for 2013

(1) Continue to strictly regulate case review. Standardize the review of daily cases, requiring the part-time legal officers of each case-handling unit to strictly review criminal and administrative cases such as arrest approval, release on bail, criminal detention and transfer for prosecution. If there are problems, they will be reported to the review team The leaders reported in real time, and improved the quality of law enforcement and case handling by our bureau through multiple audits. At the same time, our brigade will adhere to the system of non-approval without uploading evidence materials, and strictly control each case.

(2) Deepen the work of law enforcement quality evaluation. Continuously improve the law enforcement quality evaluation system. By establishing and improving the daily evaluation system and daily inspection evaluation system, the results of daily evaluation are included in the annual evaluation results. By strengthening daily evaluation, dynamic evaluation and real-time evaluation, the quality of law enforcement work is realized. further establish law enforcement files, and incorporate the results of law enforcement evaluation into the performance evaluation of law enforcement units, so as to guide the work of law enforcement units to focus on the quality of law enforcement.

(3) Further strengthen law enforcement training. Improve the pertinence and effectiveness of law enforcement training, strengthen the learning and training of the newly revised laws and regulations for law enforcement and case-handling police, especially the training of part-time legal officers in various law enforcement and case-handling units, and strive to form a good learning atmosphere where you catch up with each other. Improve the level of police law enforcement.

(4) Improve the management and use of law enforcement and case handling sites. The task of building law enforcement and case handling sites is heavy and the time is tight, but our brigade completed the task as scheduled. In the future, we will strengthen and improve the use, maintenance, and management of established sites, so as to standardize the use of functional zoning of law enforcement and case handling sites.



  Legal Brigade of Longnan County Public Security Bureau

December 10, 2012 




