




























我局紧密结合市局《关于开展整改突出执法专项活动的通知》(赣市公字[2012]34号)的文件要求,深入结合工作实际,对 2011年执法质量考评、案件评查、优劣质案评选以及涉法涉诉信访案件中发现的突出执法问题进行了自查梳理,并要求各单位根据梳理的突出执法问题,再次有针对性开展专项整改,通过采取典型案例点评、重点案件评查、优劣质案件评查、健全完善制度、加强内部执法监督等措施,积极推进整改工作。































“三访三评”深化“大走访”活动正式启动后,我局高度重视,精心组织,立即召开动员会,认真学习活动方案, 深刻领会“三访三评”活动的内涵,研究部署“三访三评” 深化“大走访”活动,决定把此项工作作为构建和谐警民关系,推动公安整体工作的首要任务来抓。及时制定了《开展 “三访三评”深化“大走访”活动方案》 ,成立了以分管领导为组长的活动领导小组,保证了“三访三评”活动的有序开展。截至目前,参与访评的领导、民警达12人,走访群众90人次,结对帮扶困难家庭8户,为困难群总援助人民币、衣物,收集意见建议15条,整改问题7处。

自“三访三评”活动开展以来,我局立足实际,创新举措, 坚持从人民群众最关心、最急需、最迫切的问题入手,重点突出“访”“评”工作环节,诚恳接纳群众建议,不断完善、工作措施,切实巩固提高“大走访”开门评警成效,不断增强辖区群众的安全感和满意度。

同时,为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,构建和谐警民关系, 我局在126月举行了“心与心沟通、面对面交流”警营开放日活动,吸引了大批市民前来参观。























Summary of the 2012 legal work of the Development Zone Branch of the Ganzhou Public Security Bureau
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Summary of the 2012 legal work of the Development Zone Branch of the Ganzhou Public Security Bureau


Since 2012, the legal work of the sub-bureau has continued to be guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of "Three Represents", closely surrounding the construction of "five Ganzhous" by the municipal party committee, and the work of "accelerating transformation to create first-class and creating core growth poles" in Ganzhou Development Zone The goal is to focus on the two key points of "grasp the team and promote work", vigorously build the "three teams" of public opinion guidance, information research and judgment, and stability maintenance and emergency management, and focus on building the "four major patterns" of large investigation, big intelligence, big command, and big security , solidly improve the requirements of the "five major mechanisms" of standardizing the law enforcement system, the reward and punishment incentive mechanism, the education and training mechanism, the combined combat mechanism, and the public appraisal mechanism. Carry out "three visits and three evaluations", deepen the standardization of law enforcement as the starting point, focus on serving grassroots police law enforcement, continuously improve the ability and level of lawful performance, and strive to achieve a new atmosphere in team building proposed by the branch party committee and a new level of public security work 1. New breakthroughs in systems and mechanisms, new progress in management innovation, new achievements in serving people's livelihood, and new heights in public security and satisfaction are the "six new" goals. Fully promote the public security legal work to achieve new breakthroughs.

As of December 5, 2012, our bureau has handled a total of 220 criminal cases, detained 313 people, arrested 133 people, transferred 159 people for prosecution, and released 206 people on bail. 157 administrative cases were handled, and 375 violators were punished administratively, of which 194 were administratively detained; deposits of more than 2.49 million yuan were collected; deposits of more than 142 yuan were confiscated; fines of more than 1.43 million yuan were confiscated. 231 cases (times) of rectification problems were inspected and supervised, and 231 rectification notices for law enforcement quality were issued.

1. Further promote the standardization of law enforcement

(1) Implement the spirit of the "Yichun Conference" and "Linchuan Conference", and further organize and promote the construction of standardized law enforcement;

Our bureau thoroughly implements the spirit of the "Yichun Conference" and "Linchuan Conference", carefully summarizes the experience of the 2012 intermediate law enforcement qualification examination, law enforcement case files and petition work, continues to deepen the quality evaluation of law enforcement, and does a good job in the "Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organ Law Enforcement" The implementation of the "Quality Assessment and Appraisal Implementation Measures" takes the "three visits and three evaluations" activities as the starting point, and in accordance with the "stricter, more detailed, and more accurate" specifications of the Municipal Bureau, earnestly builds a basic law enforcement account and strengthens case review Check, standardize the use of legal documents, adhere to the monthly case evaluation system, do a good job in the rectification of outstanding problems in law enforcement, strengthen the quality evaluation of individual cases, and pay close attention to the resolution of key law enforcement and outstanding problems. Adhere to the review and approval of problematic cases, and never let go of problems that have not been rectified, follow up and supervise to the end. Over the past year, a total of 220 criminal cases and 157 administrative cases have been reviewed, 231 cases (times) of rectification problems have been inspected and inspected, and 231 notices of rectification of law enforcement quality have been issued; 30 cases have been reviewed and 8 (times) have been rectified.

(2) Comprehensively promote online law enforcement and case handling;

Taking the improvement of the online case event system as a combination point, we will further promote online case handling and fully realize the online circulation of cases. In accordance with the requirements of the "Guiding Opinions of the Ministry of Public Security on Further Regulating and Strengthening the Informatization of Public Security Organs' Law Enforcement", fully realize the online acceptance of cases, online circulation of approvals, online generation of documents, online quality control, and online supervision, and use informatization to force law enforcement normalized. At the same time, the upload rate of evidence in criminal cases and administrative cases has reached more than 98%.

(3) Actively organize and promote the functional zoning of law enforcement and case-handling venues, and standardize the use and management of them;

Taking the security of law enforcement as a breakthrough point, we will comprehensively promote and complete the construction of law enforcement and case handling sites before the end of the year. In accordance with the requirements of the "2010-2012 Provincial Public Security Organ Law Enforcement Standardization and Construction of Various Police Work Tasks and Responsibilities" (Gan Gong Zi [2010] No. 104), combined with its own actual overall planning and innovative measures. The completion rate of construction and renovation of law enforcement and case handling sites has reached 100%. Ensure the quality while ensuring the quantity of construction, increase the frequency of use, and effectively prevent the occurrence of problems such as repeated construction, low-quality construction, and construction without use.

The functional divisions of the branch’s case-handling sites were fully put into use on November 1 this year. In order to better manage and utilize law enforcement and case-handling places, the Legal Affairs Office led a series of training courses on the use and management of law-enforcement and case-handling places for the global police, and gave a comprehensive explanation of the work process of the case-handling area and the use of interrogation operating system software. It has ensured that all the police are familiar with the procedures and mastered the key links; it has laid the foundation for the security, video and regularization of the whole process of law enforcement and case handling. At the same time, our bureau formulated the "Administrative Measures for the Use of Case-Handling Sites of the Development Zone Branch of the Ganzhou Public Security Bureau", implementing the system of supervision responsibility, legal system responsibility, case-handling unit responsibility and management personnel responsibility. Strictly handle affairs in accordance with the system to ensure the utilization rate and standardization of the transformed case handling sites.


(4) Organizing examinations for intermediate law enforcement qualifications;

In order to further strengthen the law enforcement capacity of the branch police, encourage the police to consciously study the law, truly understand the law, and strictly use it, so as to improve the team's legal quality, law enforcement level and ability to perform duties. Our Bureau is actively planning and preparing for the Intermediate Law Enforcement Qualification Examination. The spirit and content of the "Measures", "Notice" and "Examination Outline" of the Ministry of Public Security and the "Implementation Plan" of the Ministry of Public Security were quickly conveyed to every policeman, and the policemen were organized to subscribe to the "Intermediate Law Enforcement Qualification Examination of the People's Police of Public Security Organs" "Training Questions Collection" guides the police to conduct targeted review according to the focus of the exam, so as to make full preparations for the exam and improve the pass rate of the exam. At the same time, online training answers were added to the "Legal Garden" section of the branch's webpage, and all police officers were organized to study carefully, so that every policeman fully understood the importance and necessity of the law enforcement qualification examination work, and took the initiative to do a good job in preparing for the examination.

(5) Deploy public security organs in the city to carry out special campaigns for "rectification of outstanding law enforcement issues" and "handling of separate cases";

Our bureau closely combines the document requirements of the Municipal Bureau's "Notice on Carrying out Special Activities for Rectification and Highlighting Law Enforcement" (Ganshi Gongzi [2012] No. 34), deeply combines the actual work, and evaluates the quality of law enforcement, case evaluation, and quality in 2011. The outstanding law enforcement problems found in the case selection and the law-related and litigation-related petition cases were self-inspected and sorted out, and all units were required to carry out targeted special rectifications again based on the sorted out prominent law enforcement problems. , review and investigation of good and bad cases, improve and improve the system, strengthen internal law enforcement supervision and other measures, and actively promote the rectification work.

At the same time, in accordance with the document requirements of the Provincial Department of the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the "Work Plan on Carrying out Special Inspection Activities for "Separate Case Handling" Cases", our bureau sorted out and counted the cases involving "separate case handling" in 2011, and " "Separate case handling" cases are inspected case by case, problems are found, reasons are analyzed, systems are formulated and improved, and corrective measures are actively and deeply implemented.

(6) Actively carry out the selection of demonstration units for deployment of law enforcement;

Comparing with the construction standards of provincial, municipal and bureau law enforcement demonstration units, one or two law enforcement demonstration units with sound law enforcement system, good law enforcement quality and high law enforcement level will be cultivated and established within the year. Adhere to the construction of high standards and strict requirements, create an excellent brand of law enforcement, and strive to create a "provincial grassroots law enforcement demonstration unit". Adhere to typical guidance, point to area, maximize the radiation and leading role of law enforcement demonstration units, further stimulate the enthusiasm of grassroots public security organs to strengthen and improve law enforcement work, and comprehensively improve the quality and level of law enforcement of the branch.

2. System construction and training

(1) Actively carry out local legislation and cooperate with legislation;

In order to strengthen the implementation of relevant laws, this year, our bureau has held two communication and contact meetings with the courts and procuratorates of the Development Zone, and conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on the legal policy of combining leniency with strictness and the application of "handling in another case" , strengthened the exchanges and links between the three schools of public security, procuratorate and law.

(2) Carry out in-depth system construction;

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security's "Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Strengthening the Standardization of Law Enforcement" and the "Work Plan for the Standardization of Law Enforcement of Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Organs", our bureau established a leading group for the standardization of law enforcement and formulated the "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Development Sub-bureau Law Enforcement Standardization Construction Work Plan", the branch leaders have repeatedly emphasized the importance of this work in the overall law enforcement standardization construction work. Ganzhou Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch Case Binding Sequence and Filling Instructions", "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch Law Enforcement File Work Regulations", "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch Law Enforcement Quality Assessment and Evaluation Reward and Punishment Measures", "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Ten working systems such as the Working Measures for the Monthly Evaluation of Law Enforcement Quality of Cases of the Development Zone Bureau, and the Responsibilities of the Leading Group for Law Enforcement Quality Evaluation of the Development Zone Bureau of Ganzhou Public Security Bureau. Clarify responsibilities and authorities. Make full use of the "Case Audit and Supervision Record Form" in the law enforcement files to supervise the whole process of the case, strictly implement the "Regulations on the Accountability of the People's Police in Law Enforcement of Public Security Organs", and include the daily case review and quarterly evaluation into the scope of the unit's law enforcement files, so that the law enforcement files It has become the only basis for evaluating the quality of law enforcement of individuals and units. Strictly implement the "Ganzhou Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch Law Enforcement Quality Evaluation, Review and Reward and Punishment Measures", strengthen daily evaluation, dynamic evaluation and real-time evaluation, gradually include all law enforcement fields, law enforcement departments, and law enforcement police of public security organs into the evaluation scope, and truly implement the evaluation reward and punishment measures . Through the development of the system construction, the responsibilities and requirements of each law enforcement position are clarified, and a law enforcement behavior standard system covering the entire police is established to provide legal, institutional, and normative protection and support for law enforcement work.

(3) Clean up the criminal law enforcement system in a timely manner;

In order to promote the development of the system and make the criminal law enforcement system adapt to the development of the times, the Legal Affairs Section of the sub-bureau regularly conducts review and research on the previously formulated criminal law enforcement system, and cleans up the criminal law enforcement system that does not meet the requirements of the times in a timely manner.

(4) Conscientiously implement the new "Criminal Procedure Law";

In order to seize the opportunity and promote the implementation of the new Criminal Procedure Law, the sub-bureau carefully organized, deployed in advance, and went all out to make preparations for the implementation of the new law. Actively increase learning and training efforts to guide the police to accurately grasp the spirit of legislation. The party committee was convened in time to conduct special research, and a careful study and training plan was formulated. The captain of the department and the backbone of the business were trained, and then the captain of the department and the backbone of the business trained the ordinary police, etc., to carry out "one-to-one" communication. Help and lead, so as to realize the learning and training of all police officers.

3. Handling of reeducation through labor and reconsideration cases

     In recent years, our bureau has been committed to further strengthening the approval of reeducation through labor, administrative reconsideration and litigation work, so as to ensure that the branch office does not have reconsideration cases revoked and administrative lawsuits lost throughout the year. At the same time, do a good job in the administrative response work to ensure that there are no lost cases. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 5 cases involving 6 people have been handled, and 5 cases have been executed outside the prison. Handled 2 administrative reconsideration cases and 0 administrative litigation cases. There are no cases that were changed, revoked or lost due to reconsideration or litigation.

     4. Law Enforcement Supervision

(1) In-depth evaluation of the quality of law enforcement;

According to the relevant regulations of the provincial department and the municipal bureau, combined with the actual situation, we have formulated various evaluation forms such as evaluation registration, questionnaire survey, law enforcement quality evaluation scoring, reconsideration, administrative litigation, law enforcement supervision, etc., which not only standardize daily law enforcement work, but also promote The smooth progress of the evaluation work. And adhere to the combination of usual evaluation and year-end evaluation, regular evaluation and irregular evaluation, accumulate the law enforcement problems found in the daily evaluation, deduct points according to the evaluation standards, and treat the problems found in the evaluation work correctly and seriously rectify them. In 2012, a total of 230 rectification cases were inspected and 413 problems were found and rectified.

(2) Actively carry out legal review;

Over the past 12 years, the branch has reviewed 220 criminal cases, found and rectified 249 problems; reviewed 157 administrative cases, found and rectified 198 problems. Through the legal system review, the law enforcement and case handling have been further standardized, and the procedural awareness, evidence awareness, and litigation awareness of the police officers in the sub-bureau have been significantly enhanced, and the level of law enforcement and the overall quality of law enforcement have been significantly improved.

(3) Seriously carry out special law enforcement inspections and case reviews;

In order to ensure standardized law enforcement and handling of cases, the branch centered on the formulated law enforcement target responsibility system and law enforcement responsibility system evaluation method, linked strict law enforcement with the performance of the leaders, and linked the rewards and punishments of the case handlers, and specifically implemented the responsibility on the head of the person. In the special law enforcement inspection and case review, we will continue to insist on rewarding those who strictly enforce the law and punishing those who do not strictly enforce the law. Through the institutionalization of special law enforcement inspections and case review, the construction of the public security team and business construction has been promoted, and the enthusiasm of the police to improve the quality of law enforcement has been greatly mobilized.

(4) Strengthen the handling of letters and visits and law enforcement supervision cases;

Our bureau continues to deepen the work of petitioning for maintaining stability and resolving difficult petitioning cases. First, conscientiously implement the spirit of the national, provincial, and city-wide series of important petition work conferences, strengthen and innovate social management, implement key tasks deployed by superiors, and do a good job in the work of petition and stability maintenance in key sensitive periods. The second is to fully complete the task of resolving the backlog of letters and visits, focus on improving the effectiveness of leaders' reception of visits, pay close attention to the implementation of the department's responsibility system for letters and visits, and vigorously implement the accountability system for letters and visits. The third is to do a good job in the handling of letters and visits from the masses, effectively strengthen the prevention of the source of letters and visits, thoroughly investigate difficult cases of letters and visits that may cause unrest, find out the situation, grasp the dynamics, and be aware of the key letters and visits. One-on-one” resolution work to ensure that petition issues are resolved in the bud. For some long-delayed petition cases, we must patiently and meticulously do a good job of persuasion and explanation, follow up the handling, and answer on-site, and resolutely prevent leapfrog visits and visits to Beijing. occurrence, and effectively maintain social stability. The fourth is to strengthen the research and judgment of petition information. Conscientiously organize all units to carry out regular investigations of conflicts and disputes, and improve the reporting system for new complaints. It is necessary to regularly analyze, research and judge the petition data, and accurately grasp the laws and characteristics of the petition problems and situations in the region. It is necessary to analyze and report the dynamics of key petitioners, and apply the research and judgment results to the actual work of maintaining stability. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 38 letters and visits have been handled, 2 administrative reconsideration cases, and 0 administrative litigation cases. There are no cases that were changed, revoked or lost due to reconsideration or litigation.


(5) The evaluation of the quality of law enforcement in 2011 and the application of the selection results of the top ten high-quality and low-quality cases in the province.

Through the evaluation of the quality of law enforcement and the selection of good and bad cases, the quality of law enforcement in the sub-bureau has been improved. Twice a year, the sub-bureau organizes part-time legal officers from each unit to select the overall criminal and administrative cases, and strictly follows the "Implementation Measures for the Evaluation and Appraisal of Law Enforcement Quality of Public Security Organs in Jiangxi Province" to form a score list and select the top ten overall cases. , Inferior cases, rewarding the good and punishing the bad, effectively achieved the goal of motivating the advanced and spurring the backward.

V. Construction of the legal team

(1) Promote the implementation of the reform of the team system of the legal department;

Since the establishment of the branch, under the attention and concern of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau, the Legal Department of our bureau was formally established in 2008. In order to actively promote the standardization of law enforcement and realize the requirements of the "team system", with the approval of the Municipal Bureau, on May 5, 2011, the Legislative Affairs Division of the Branch Bureau was renamed the Legal Affairs Team of the Branch Bureau. After the name change, its organizational level and main responsibilities remain unchanged, and the number of leadership positions Adjusted to two positive and two secondary.

(2) The activities of the "Three Visits and Three Comments" and the activities of "Standard Law Enforcement Police Camp Open Day";

After the "Three Visits and Three Comments" deepened the "Great Visits" activity and officially launched it, our bureau attached great importance to it, carefully organized it, held a mobilization meeting immediately, carefully studied the activity plan, deeply understood the connotation of the "Three Visits and Three Comments" activities, and studied and deployed the "Three Visits and Three Comments" activities. "Three comments on the visit" to deepen the "big visit" activities, and decided to take this work as the primary task of building a harmonious relationship between the police and the public and promoting the overall work of the public security. The "Three Visits and Three Evaluations" and Deepening "Big Visits" Activity Plan were formulated in a timely manner, and an activity leading group headed by the leader in charge was established to ensure the orderly development of the "Three Visits and Three Evaluations" activities. Up to now, 12 leaders and policemen have participated in the interviews and evaluations, visited 90 people, paired up to help 8 families in need, provided RMB and clothing for needy groups, collected 15 opinions and suggestions, and rectified 7 problems.

Since the launch of the "Three Visits and Three Evaluations" activity, our bureau has been based on reality, innovated measures, insisted on starting from the most concerned, urgently needed, and most urgent issues of the people, focused on the "visit" and "evaluation" work links, and sincerely accepted the suggestions of the masses , Continuously improve and work measures, effectively consolidate and improve the effectiveness of the "big visit" to open the door to evaluate the police, and continuously enhance the sense of security and satisfaction of the people in the jurisdiction.

At the same time, in order to thoroughly implement the scientific development concept and build a harmonious relationship between the police and the public, our bureau held the "heart-to-heart communication, face-to-face communication" police camp open day in June 2012, which attracted a large number of citizens to visit.

        During the event, our bureau conducted face-to-face communication and exchanges with the masses on various measures to facilitate the people and the hot issues of social security that the masses care about, to explain their doubts and doubts for the citizens, and to listen to the opinions and suggestions of the masses on public security work, and actively distribute relevant legal information.

     In recent years, our bureau has regarded building a harmonious relationship between the police and the public as the most fundamental and basic task to promote the development of public security. Through effective measures such as carrying out various theme education, innovating law enforcement concepts, improving law enforcement norms, strengthening law enforcement management, broadening service channels, strengthening publicity and communication, and implementing convenience and benefit for the people, it is possible to maximize the convenience of the people in handling affairs and certificates, and to win the people's support to the greatest extent. Understanding and support of public security work.

(3) Information on the legal guarantee services of the legal department;

In order to further enhance the police's awareness of evidence, procedures and the rule of law, and improve the quality and level of law enforcement of the police, in June this year, the branch organized some police officers to attend a case trial in the development zone court. At the same time, a series of activities such as 110 legal publicity, legal education, and "anti-trafficking publicity into the campus" were held. In the publicity activities, through on-site explanations, distribution of leaflets, brochures, legal consultation and other forms, the appeal and attractiveness of the legal publicity activities have been enhanced, the legal awareness and the concept of the rule of law of the people have been further enhanced, and good results have been achieved. social effect.



6. Work ideas and suggestions for 2013.

(1) Continue to further promote the standardization of law enforcement.

The branch formulated, revised and issued the "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch Case Review Work System", "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch Case Law Enforcement Quality Monthly Evaluation Work Method", "Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau Development Zone Branch 2012 Law Enforcement Quality A series of targeted and guiding normative systems, such as the Measures for Evaluation and Evaluation, and the 2012 Law Enforcement Quality Assessment and Reward and Punishment Measures of the Development Zone Branch of Ganzhou Public Security Bureau, further refine the public security law enforcement process, clarify the public security law enforcement links and steps, and ensure procedural fairness. At the same time, establish a long-term mechanism for the implementation of system norms, implement the normative system into specific law enforcement activities, discover and correct prominent problems exposed in the implementation of the system in a timely manner, and further standardize the construction of various systems.

(2) Strengthen the construction of law enforcement entities.

Focusing on the newly revised "Administrative Compulsion Law", "Criminal Procedure Law" and "Public Security Organ Law Enforcement Rules", vigorously strengthen the training of legal knowledge, strengthen the policemen's awareness of belief, respect, and reverence for the law, and improve the standard of law enforcement and fairness. The self-consciousness and initiative of law enforcement enable the police to master the basic legal knowledge and basic case-handling skills necessary for their own work, and truly become experts in various police types and positions.

(3) Give full play to the role of part-time legal system personnel.

In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Public Security's "Opinions on Establishing and Improving the System of Legal Officers in County-level Public Security Organs", combined with the "Administrative Measures for Full-time (Part-time) Legal Officers in Grass-roots Law Enforcement Units of Ganzhou City Public Security Bureau" formulated by the Municipal Bureau, further strengthen the full-time (part-time) The construction of the team of professional legal system personnel should be carried out to give full play to the functional role of legal system personnel in auditing and checking. At the same time, strengthen online law enforcement supervision, keep abreast of the online operation of cases handled by various law enforcement and case-handling units, urge all departments to fully implement online case transfer, approval, and truthful case filing, and regularly and irregularly report the inspection status.

(4) Strengthen law enforcement supervision.

Taking the "three visits and three evaluations" activities as the starting point, continue to strengthen law enforcement supervision measures, improve law enforcement quality evaluation, and the selection of high-quality and low-quality cases, establish an effective long-term mechanism for visits and evaluations, and increase law enforcement quality evaluation and selection of high-quality and low-quality cases As a result, we will use our strength to do a good job in the rectification of outstanding problems in law enforcement. The excellent units in the law enforcement quality evaluation and the police officers who host high-quality cases should be given heavy rewards, and the law enforcement quality improvement classes should continue to be held for those who rank at the bottom of the law enforcement quality evaluation. There is a bad tendency of re-evaluating but not reforming, and rewarding but not punishing.

(5) Continue to promote the standardization, institutionalization and legalization of public security letters and visits.

Further implement the State Council's "Regulations on Complaints and Visits" and the Ministry of Public Security's "Regulations on Complaints and Visits by Public Security Organs", improve and improve the long-term mechanism that has been established, and implement the system of reception days for directors to ensure that the time for receiving and visiting is guaranteed. The issue of letters and visits is organized to make appointments or visits, so that the issues of letters and visits of the masses can be dealt with and resolved in a timely manner. At the same time, vigorously promote the construction of public security letters and visits information, strengthen the construction, management and maintenance of public security letters and visits information management system, give full play to the role of public security information, and improve the efficiency and level of public security letters and visits work.

All the policemen of our branch will follow the unified deployment of the superiors, under the correct leadership of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, center on the "three major constructions" of informatization, law enforcement standardization, and harmonious police-civilian relations, and carry out in-depth "three visits and three evaluations" and deepen The standardization of law enforcement is the starting point, and the focus is on serving the law enforcement of the grassroots police. "Emphasis on politics, law, righteousness, law and discipline, unity, and the overall situation", "focusing on development and ensuring safety wholeheartedly", striving for the performance of the branch in 2012 The assessment has reached the city's advanced ranks!

Development Zone Branch of Ganzhou Public Security Bureau

December 5, 2012




